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What are the side effects of opioid addition?

I am a 22 year old male. I suspect my brother may be addicted to opioids. What are the side effects of opioid addition?

How to help a friend addicted to opiods?

I am a 21 year old female. My friend is addicted to opiods and won't seek help. How to help a friend addicted to opiods?

Can you be addicted to anesthesia?

I am a 29 year old male and I have had a few dental procedures under anesthesia. I like the feeling coming off anesthesia. Can you be addicted to anesthesia?

Can oxycodone become addictive?

I am a 22 year old female. I was given oxycodone after my wisdom teeth surgery. Can oxycodone become addictive?

Why is very addictive medicine even prescribed?

I am a 30 year old male. I was wondering why is very addictive medicine even prescribed?

Does bipolar medication change your personality?

My friend has bipolar disorder and is taking meds. Does bipolar medication change your personality?

My son has become reliant on taking Tylenol?

My 17 year old son had a sprained ankle and took Tylenol often for it. Now he has Tylenol every day and his pain is gone. What to do?

Dependency to opiate vs addiction

I have been using prescribed opiates for years for a terminal disease and I have used them responsibly and only increase the amount of dosage when needed. I'm told that I have...

How to help a young adult who is addicted to meth?

My 29 year old son is addicted to meth and it is ruining his life. What can we do since he's an adult? How to help a young adult who is addicted to meth?

Is it normal to be dependent on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds?

My 18 year old daughter is on antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. I tried to get her off one but she said no. I don't think it is healthy.

Prior drug use and pregnant?

I am writing a medical essay and I would like to know the likelihood of a child coming out with birth defects if the mother was a 30-year-old female who had been on heroine two...

How to help 20 year old son with opioid addiction?

My 18 year old son has an opioid addiction. He said he would seek help but never did. What can I do?

Is it healthy to be on so many medications?

I am a 24 year old male. I wonder how healthy it is for so many people to be addicted to prescription pills.

How do you know you are addicted to your medication?

I am a 26 year old male who was given pain medicine for my broken ankle. How do you know you are addicted to your medication?

Addiction to anti-anxiety pills?

I am a 34 year old woman with really bad anxiety. I think I am reliant on my anti-anxiety medication. But I know I can't be on it forever.

Is it healthy to treat depression with pain medication?

I am a 30 year old female who has depression but has lowered the symptoms by taking pain medicine. It has helped but I take a decent amount.

I caught my teenage son with prescription pills?

I have a 19 year old son and I caught him with many bottles of prescription medicine. I took them away and didn't recognize any of them. He must have purchased them from friends....

Stopping my teenage son's addiction to prescription medicine?

My 18-year-old son developed an addiction to prescription medicine after having knee surgery. He wants help and I want to help him. Should I see therapists, doctors, etc. ?

Can medications give you a false positive on a drug test?

My goddaughter went to rehab for 30 days for alcoholism, marijuana, and taking Xanax. She has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, AVTH, ADHD, ADD, and PTSD. She is on probation....

Can repeated blackouts indicate an alcohol problem?

My friends and I go out drinking a lot, and I'm worried that one of my friends is an alcoholic. She has repeatedly drank to the point of blacking out, and it happens so often....

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