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How can I treat arthritis in my ankle?

I have arthritis in my ankle. What are the treatment options?

How to fix hip bone pain?

I have hip bone pain. How to fix it? Should I see a doctor?

Is walking good for knee arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. Is walking good for knee arthritis?

What's the best exercise for the arthritic knee?

I have knee arthritis. What's the best exercise for the arthritic knee?

Long-term knee pain?

My knee pain has been with me for as long as I can remember and it is worse when going up and down a steep hill. Also, the common medication did not relieve pain much.

Can acupressure help joint pain?

I have joint pain in my hips. Can acupressure help joint pain?

What is the best exercise after arthroscopic knee surgery?

I will have arthroscopic knee surgery. What is the best exercise after arthroscopic knee surgery?

Should I be worried?

I have DDD and have been having really bad lower back hip and leg pain (both sides) with a fever of 100. 9 for 3 days. Then a painful tingle in my mouth when eating last night....

Stiffness in left hand?

I'm a 26 year old female. I'm a very anxious person and recently I've been feeling stiffness in my left hand and fingers, especially on my thumb basis. It mostly feels in joints,...

Chronic pain in multiple places?

I’m 33 years old, and I’ve dealt with chronic pain for over 13 years now. Due to a multitude of injuries, I have inflammatory muscular pain in my lower left back and left hip...

How can I strengthen my knee after surgery?

I will have knee surgery. How can I strengthen my knee after surgery?

I have sudden extreme pain in both elbows?

I have had extreme pain in both elbows even sore to the touch for more than a month. I'm a gulf war veteran that suffers from many undiagnosed illnesses- my unknown illnesses...

Does physical therapy help hip arthritis?

I have hip arthritis. Does physical therapy help hip arthritis?

Can you help with hip arthritis pain?

I have hip arthritis and it hurts. Can you help with hip arthritis pain?

Pain in tendons without inflammation?

I have a strange condition concerning my tendons. I easily injure them I don't seem to heal if not injected with steroids on time (as in the palm of my hand for my pinky finger...

Large lump in right armpit?

I developed a marble-sized mass under my right armpit 2 weeks ago. The mass has now grown to almost golf ball size. It is hard and does not move and my armpit appears to be...

Muscle aches?

My husband has had pain in his legs, shoulders, and wrists for about two months. We’re not sure what kind of doctor to see.

Numbness in feet and lower legs?

I’m diabetic and I have neuropathy in my feet, but the last couple of days my feet and lower legs feel more numb and swelled, my feet also ache. There is no visible swelling in...

I just need some suggestions on what I can do?

I have been having sharp pains in my legs and then after a while, they go numb for a little bit.

Knee pain?

My knee gave way about 4 weeks ago and it is still very painful, very swollen on left by the top of the knee. An X-ray shows no stress fracture. Dr won’t refer me for a scan....

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