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Is it normal to have a fever after bone graft surgery?

I had bone graft surgery yesterday. I have a high fever today. Is it normal to have a fever after bone graft surgery?

What anesthesia is done for bone graft?

I will have bone graft surgery. What anesthesia is done for bone graft?

What is a more painful bone graft or implant?

I will have bone graft surgery before getting a dental implant. What is a more painful bone graft or implant?

Do you get anesthesia when getting braces?

I will get braces next week. Do you get anesthesia when getting braces?

Should you brush your teeth after saltwater rinse?

I rinse with salt water almost every day. Should you brush your teeth after saltwater rinse?

Is getting a dental implant painful?

I will get a dental implant. Is getting a dental implant painful?

What painkiller can I take for tooth pain?

I have tooth pain and want to take a painkiller. What painkiller can I take for tooth pain?

Is it painful to get a crown put on your tooth?

I will get a crown next week. Is it painful to get a crown put on your tooth?

Does general anesthesia hurt your lungs?

I will have surgery under general anesthesia. Does general anesthesia hurt your lungs?

Are you put to sleep for a tooth extraction?

I will have a tooth extraction. Are you put to sleep for a tooth extraction?

Is it normal to have gums pain after a filling?

I have gum pain after a filling. Is it normal? What should I do?

Is a dental bridge better than an implant?

I have a missing tooth and want to replace it. Is a dental bridge cheaper than an implant?

How long after tooth extraction can I get a bridge?

I will have a tooth extraction. How long after tooth extraction can I get a bridge?

Can anesthesia cause liver damage?

I will have surgery under general anesthesia. Can anesthesia cause liver damage?

Is local anesthesia OK for tooth extraction?

I will have a tooth extraction. Is local anesthesia OK for tooth extraction?

Is tooth sensitivity after a filling normal?

I have tooth sensitivity after a filling. Is it normal?

How long does it take for implants to fuse to the bone?

I will get a dental implant. How long does it take for implants to fuse to the bone?

How long does jaw swelling last after dental implants?

I have jaw swelling after dental implant surgery. How long does jaw swelling last after dental implants?

Is being put to sleep for a tooth extraction safe?

I will have a tooth extraction under general anesthesia. Is being put to sleep for a tooth extraction safe?

How long does tooth extraction anesthesia last?

I will have a tooth extraction. How long does tooth extraction anesthesia last?

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