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Will my homeopathy medication contradict with my anesthesia?

I am on homeopathic medication and have to have a surgery soon. Should I stop taking them before my anesthesia? I need to have general.

What kind of anesthesia is used for children?

My son needs to have surgery for an infection in his leg. What kind of anesthesia would generally be used for this surgery? Would he need general? We aren't meeting with his...

Is it possible to wake up during general anesthesia?

I am having a cosmetic surgery procedure done next week where general anesthesia will be needed. I'm nervous. Is it possible to wake up while I'm under and the plastic surgeon...

Do I need to stop taking Adderall before I take anesthesia?

I am 36 and I have factor 4, factor 5, and the jak 2 mutation. I am currently on Warfrin. I know exactly what I need to do with my thinners when I have my back procedure to burn...

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