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Gum disease and heart disease

Is there a link between gum disease and heart disease? Is dental plaque really the same thing as the plaque associated with an unhealthy heart?

Don't want to have surgery for enlarged heart--any other options?

I am only 33 (male) but I have just been diagnosed with an enlarged heart after a chest x-ray. My doctor seems to think surgery is unavoidable. What other options are out there?...

Caffeine and heart surgery?

My heart surgery is coming in a couple of months. As of now, I have 2 cups of coffee a day. Should I try to stop before my surgery or just leave it as is?

Heart transplant question

I had a friend receive a new heart just recently. I am so happy for her. She seems to be doing really well and feeling healthy. You hear about organ rejection though. Does...

Valve repair success

How successful is valve repair vs replacement? How do youu know when to do which procedure?

Abdominal aneurysm prevention

I had a friend die of an abdominal aortic aneurysm recently. Are there waning signs that were maybe missed? What can be done to prevent one from happeninng?

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