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Suffering from anxiety, and panic attacks for the last 3 years. Need second opinion.

I am suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks from the last 3 years. What could be the trigger for this as I was normal before that. Can medications help me?

Wiring a broken jaw

My sister broke her jaw in gymnastics. It has been wired shut. I know the wires will be in about 6 weeks but how long until she is fully recovered?

Regaining strength after a stroke

My mom had a stroke recently. I don't know a lot of the details. She doesn't seem to have many physical limitations but is weak. What might be the best exercise to help her?...

Post joint replacement

I will be having both knee replaced soon. Would i have a better recovery working with a physiatrist versus a physical therapist?

Life after a stroke?

My mom had a stroke a couple of weeks ago and was recommended to follow up frequently with a physiatrist. What can she expect? She is 68.

I have to get up to pee throughout the night and it interrupts my sleep. Is something wrong?

I can't get a good night's sleep anymore because I have to get up to pee multiple times during the night. Is there something wrong?

Really unhappy with physical therapy - should I try physiatry?

I had a work-related back injury and worked with a physical therapist to help me get back on track. It improved for the most part, but I still experience radiating back pain and...

I'm only 23 and experiencing knee pain during exercise. Why?

If I walk for a long distance, run, or swim, I experience pain in both of my knees. There is a history of rheumatoid arthritis in my family. Could this be affecting me, too?...

Broken tibia, fibula and hole in ankle, surgeon suggesting amputation

I fell 20 feet two years ago and broke my tibia, fibula and have a hole in my ankle. I have had 2 surgeries to repair with no success and am in extreme pain constantly. My...

Weak from a stroke

I have right side weakness after having a stroke. I can walk okay now but I still struggle with holding small objects in my right hand. Can I ever regain my strength in my hand?...

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