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For a kidney stone, is stent the only recommended option?

My father is 67 years old and had been complaining of severe pain in the stomach. Upon examination a 3cms measuring calculi was detected in his right kidney. The doctors are...

What is the cause of frequent urination?

My mother is 67 years old and is frequently urinating beyond the normal levels. What could be the reason for this?

Can urine infection cause kidney failure?

I am a 62 year old woman and I recently underwent treatment for UTI. The doctor asked me to take precautions as I could be susceptible to a relapse of the infection. Can a urinary...

Can a person with just 20% kidney function survive without a dialysis?

My mother in law is 75 years old. According to the doctors her kidney function is only about 20% and they have been suggesting that she should undergo a dialysis. However, due...

Can kidney stone be the cause of my back pain?

I have been suffering from severe back pain that shoots towards my right side of the back. Someone suggested that I should undergo a CT scan to see if it is because of a kidney...

Is there a way to reduce creatinine levels naturally?

My mother in law is 72 and has been suffering from fluctuating diabetes levels. Her creatinine level was managed at 1. 4 for 2 years however from the last one year it has been...

Is there an alternative to dialysis in case of kidney patients?

My mother is 70 years old and has been diabetic for the last 32 years. Her creatine levels are rising up continuously and have reached 5. 5. The doctor has been suggesting dialysis...

What are the natural foods that can boost kidney health?

I have a history of kidney problems in my family and I want to take precautions while age is on my side. Are there any natural foods that are specifically usefully in boosting...


Kidneys working at only 14%, on Ciprofloxaxin. What to expect in ongoing healthcare?

Is there any way to pass a kidney stone more quickly?

Once in a while, I get kidney stones. They are caused by my furosemide. Is there any way I can make them pass faster or less painfully?

Why was I referred to a nephrologist?

After having 3 instances of kidney stones, my urologist has referred me to a nephrologist. What do they do? How will this experience be different from a urologist?

I have high blood pressure. How can I protect my kidneys?

Both high blood pressure and kidney issues run in my family. I want to do anything I can to protect myself from having the same issues down the road. Is there anything I can...

Natural treatment for kidney stone?

Once in a while, I get kidney stones. I've never gone to the hospital for them as they have been relatively small. Is there a natural way to treat and prevent them that doesn't...

Protein in urine question

I have a history of a small amount of protein in my urine. Am I at risk of kidney disease? How will I know?

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