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Do I need a tetanus shot if I have gotten hurt by a piece of glass?

I had a piece of glass prick the palm of my hand. Though I got the piece out, I would like to know if I need a tetanus shot to prevent any infections.

When is the best time to get a flu shot?

I want to get a flu vaccine to avoid it at all costs. When is the best time to get the flu shot?

What is the best natural medicine for stopping loose motions?

I have been experiencing loose motions, and I'm not sure why and how they're happening so frequently. What is the best medication to take for this?

Do I have to take blood thinners for a long period of time?

I was prescribed blood thinners after having a bypass surgery, and I noticed that my prescription was for a large duration of time--which I think is unnecessary. Is this normal...

Are iron injections better than pills?

For people with low hemoglobin levels, are iron injections better than iron supplements pills?

Is asprin bad for health?

I end up taking asprin for my headaches, but I read that it's not very good for my health in the long run. Should I consider taking something else? I mainly take asprin for pain...

Can a chiropractor treat my migraine headaches?

I am have a migraine that doesn't seem to want to go away. What should I do treat it? Should I take something?

Can antibiotics cause mouth ulcers?

I have been on antibiotics for a viral infection, but now I have mouth ulcers? Can antibiotics cause me to have mouth ulcers, or could it be from something else?

Thrive vitamins?

When I went to a hematologist, my platelet count was high. Someone told me about thrive vitamins to help with energy. Can I take them or will it effect my count?

Is Zofran safe for elderly?

My mother feels nausea before and after eating anything. Can I give her Zofran before her meals? Is this safe for her to use? She's 80 years old.

What is the best medicine for treating a weak gut?

My digestive system and gut health is very poor. What medicines can I take to strengthen it?

Can heart medicines cause headaches?

I underwent an angioplasty and am on Plavix. I am lately having a lot of headaches. Could it be due to the medication?

Are steroids okay for people at risk of heart disease?

My husband has inflammation and a respitory infection. The doctor says he is also at a high risk of heart disease. Would steroids be recommended for him? Is there a danger to...

Is excessive consumption of Aspirin?

My husband has a lot of Aspirin due to tremendous headache he has often. Is it harmful for his health?

When should I give Tylenol to my child and when should I switch to ibuprofen?

I have two medications that I use to treat my child's fever, Tylenol and ibuprofen. Should I prefer to use one over the other?

What medication is best to give a child when they have a headache?

My 11 year old daughter unfortunately suffers with headaches. I get worried when giving her medication, so I am wondering which medication is the most effective in helping with...

What is a substitute for Crocin?

Crocin as a paracetamol has stopped working for me these days. What is the substitute that you would recommend.

A medicine expired yesterday. Can I still have it?

I have medicine in my first aid box for indigestion, but I just saw it expired yesterday. Can I still have it?

How do pharmaceutical medicines work in the body?

What makes pharmaceutical drugs act on various ailments present in our body? What determines which medication is ideal for a particular type of disease?

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