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In how much time should an infection show up in the blood count report?

My little girl who is 5 years old seems to be suffering from a viral infection. Though the infection has not yet showed up in her blood count report, the symptoms seem like a...

Can fungal infection cause low grade fever?

My daughter has been suffering from a fungal infection of the skin and has been getting low grade fever. Can the fever be triggered due to the fungal infection?

What are the viruses that could cause pneumonia?

My son is 4 years old and has been suffering from a severe bout of cough and cold. It has now turned into wheezing and they are suspecting him to be suffering from pneumonia....

How can i avoid a chickenpox scar?

I am 23 years old and I am now suffering from chickenpox for the first time in my life. What can i do to avoid scarring from the infection?

If I have a stomach infection is it likely to affect my unborn baby?

I am 5 months pregnant and I have recently been suffering from a severe stomach infection that has resulted in diarrhea. Is this infection likely to spread to my unborn baby?...

I have been suffering from dry cough for the last one month. What can I do?

I have been suffering from dry cough for the last one month. I am not sure if it is some kind of an infection or an allergy. What can i do to find out the actual cause and the...

Can ringworm infection be treated?

I am 24 years old and an athlete. I have recently been suffering from the ringworm infection. I have started out on the treatment for the same, but it seems to be rather slow....

Immunizations for travel

Are there any European countries that require immunizations for travel there?

Why does hay fever severity fluctuate

Some years my hay fever is unbearable, other years it's not a problem. Why is this?

Does a fever always signal an infection?

I have a low fever (100. 1F). Why is this happening? I feel fine otherwise, just very warm. Is my body fighting off something?

Cough for 1 week plus - should I worry?

I've had a mucusy cough and been feeling lethargic and hot for a little over a week. I don't feel any different otherwise. Could it be an infection?

Zika virus?

Is the Zika virus still a concern? It was all over the news for a while but now I seem to never hear about it. Has it gone away?

Why do I have a fever after my flu shot?

I get my flu shot every year. I've never gotten a fever from it before until now. What's wrong? Could this just be coincidence?

Can my child give me chickenpox?

I am up to date with shingles vaccines, but my daughter recently caught chickenpox. I've taken her to the doctor and we were given acyclovir for treatment. Since I've never had...

Should I get a flu shot?

I work at home. Do I still need to get a flu shot?

Diseases in Africa

I'm planning to travel to several countries in the southern half of Africa. What diseases to I need to watch for there?

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