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What is the treatment for high bilirubin in adults?

I was diagnosed with high bilirubin. What could be the cause? What are the treatment options?

What causes high kidney function levels?

I have high kidney function levels. Is it serious? What could be the cause?

How long does it take to recover from a kidney biopsy?

I will have a kidney biopsy. How long does it take to recover from a kidney biopsy?

What test should be done for COVID diagnosis?

I think I have a COVID infection. What test should be done for COVID diagnosis?

Is a PSA of 6.5 Bad?

I have a PSA level of 6. 5. Is it bad? What should I do?

I have a psychotic friend?

I have a friend, my oldest friend since we were 12, whom I have observed to mentally deteriorate over many years. This person has violent tendencies with a history of domestic...

What could a positive test for blood in the urine indicate?

I was diagnosed with blood in the urine. What could a positive test for blood in the urine indicate?

What is normal PSA by age?

I am a 45-year-old male. I will have a PSA test. What is normal PSA by age?

What is a normal range for PSA?

I will have a PSA test. I want to know what is a normal range for PSA?

What is a normal liver function test result?

I had a liver function test this morning. I want to know what is a normal liver function test result?

What test is most likely to diagnose diabetes?

I want to test for diabetes. What test is most likely to diagnose diabetes?

How long should a pathology report take?

I had a colon biopsy yesterday. How long should a pathology report take?

How long does it take to get biopsy results for bladder cancer?

I had a biopsy for bladder cancer. How long does it take to get biopsy results for bladder cancer?

How do you treat a baby's blood infection?

My baby was diagnosed with a blood infection. Is it serious? How do you treat a baby's blood infection?

What causes white blood cells to be high in a child?

My daughter has high white blood cells in the blood. Is it serious? What could be the cause?

Is high leukocytes in blood dangerous?

I have high leukocytes in my blood. Is it dangerous? What should I do?

What psychotherapy is best for PTSD?

I was diagnosed with PTSD. I served in the military for 7 years. What psychotherapy is best for PTSD?

What is the most common drug used to treat bipolar disorder?

My friend was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I want to help him. What is the most common drug used to treat bipolar disorder?

When do you need a blood transfusion?

I was told I may need a blood transfusion because of my deficiencies. When do you need a blood transfusion?

Why do people murder their spouse over cheating?

I see stories in the news of people murdering their spouse over cheating. What causes people to do this?

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