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Is physical therapy good for an ankle injury?

I have an ankle injury. Is physical therapy good for an ankle injury?

How can a physiotherapist help with sport-related injuries?

I have a back injury. How can a physiotherapist help with sport-related injuries?

Can physical therapy make back pain worse?

I want to get physical therapy for back pain. Can physical therapy make back pain worse?

How long do you go to physical therapy for back pain?

I have back pain and want to treat it. How long do you go to physical therapy for back pain?

Is physical therapy worth it for back pain?

I have back pain. Is physical therapy worth it for back pain?

Should I have physical therapy after heel surgery?

I will have heel surgery. Should I have physical therapy after heel surgery?

Should I have physical therapy after elbow surgery?

I will have elbow surgery. Should I have physical therapy after elbow surgery?

Should I have physical therapy after a discectomy?

I will have a discectomy. Should I have physical therapy after a discectomy?

Do you need physiotherapy after hand surgery?

I will have hand surgery. Do you need physiotherapy after hand surgery?

What is the best exercise for knee arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. What is the best exercise for knee arthritis?

When do you start physical therapy after a foot fracture?

I fractured my foot. When do you start physical therapy after a foot fracture?

Should I start physical therapy after knee surgery?

I will have knee surgery. Should I start physical therapy after knee surgery?

How long after back surgery can you start physical therapy?

I will have back surgery. How long after back surgery can you start physical therapy?

What is the best physical therapy after back surgery?

I had back surgery 10 days ago. What is the best physical therapy after back surgery?

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