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Can I drink alcohol with a heart stent?

I got a heart stent. Can I drink alcohol with a heart stent?

Is heart stent surgery serious?

I need to get a heart stent. Is heart stent surgery serious?

How long can a stent stay?

I need to get a heart stent. How long can a stent stay?

What to avoid if you have a stent?

I got a heart stent. What to avoid if you have a stent?

Do you need general anesthesia for a heart stent?

I need to get a heart stent. Do you need general anesthesia for a heart stent?

How long after a heart transplant can you walk?

My friend will have heart transplant surgery. How long after a heart transplant can you walk?

Blood pressure medication

For two days I have been experience A-Fit with increase Blood pressure. My blood presssure usually is 138/75 and now it has been running 160/99 to 160/110. Can I take an extra...

How long is heart artery stent surgery?

I will get a heart stent. How long is heart artery stent surgery?

Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

My friend had a heart attack yesterday. Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

Can hypertension be fixed?

I have hypertension. Can hypertension be fixed?

Can high blood pressure cause heart attack?

I have high blood pressure. Can high blood pressure cause heart attack?

Chest Pain

It’s hard to explain but my chest hurts, but it’s not just my chest, it’s my back right between my shoulder blades. This happens a lot and I’m starting to think it’s not normal…...

Is sex safe for me if I have heart failure and heart palpitations

Hi, so I was wondering if sex is safe for me if I have heart failure and heart palpitations. The last time I went to the doctor for an anxiety attack they did an EKG and a chest...

Cardiac arrest and brain function

My girlfriend went into cardiac arrest Sunday morning. . . . at first I didn't know what was going on. I tried to sit her up and communicate with her. . . when I saw she was unresponsive...

my personal bradycardia and chronic fatigue

I am a male in my mid-30's. I don't smoke. I drink alcohol almost daily. I exercise almost every day and try to eat whole foods, not the grocery store but the lower case whole...

Cholesterol levels

Total cholesterol-132 mg/dL Triglycerides-67mg/dL HDL- 69 mg/dL LDL-49 mg/dL Are my total cholesterol and ldl too low?

40 BPM heart rate

I’m 26, not athletic, 5’3” and 128 lbs. my heart rate dips down every day for a short period of time to 43 ish bpm. Is there something wrong with me? I also vape but looking...


Please tell me in detail about my condition and a dos and don'ts list for me to do


My Ecocardiogram showed mild cLVH in 2022. But my dr. did not discuss it with me or offer treatment. But I’m worried I can have a heart attack or sudden death. I do not have...

Cholesterol panel

cholesterol 285 vldl 24 ldl 215 hdl 45 triglycerides 118 what does this mean

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