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What could be the issue and how best can I resolve the issue?

My issue is that I am having pain on my right side of the chest especially when I take in a deep breath and it tends to extend to the back. But at times the pain comes and goes....

Lifetime breathing issues?

I've had shortness of breath (on exertion) since I was a child, and it's only gotten much worse. I've never smoked. My pulmonary function tests are textbook perfect, so it doesn't...

Is acupuncture good for a chronic cough?

I have a chronic cough and want to treat it. Is acupuncture good for a chronic cough?

Co2 narcosis?

Can co2 narcosis develop without signs of distress when the hospitalized patient appeared to be sleeping? Can it be a silent killer?

Pulmonary embolism?

If somebody suspected they might be having a pulmonary embolism would aspirin/Ibuprofen help dissolve a blood clot in any way, even just temporarily?

I'm worried about overcoming covid-19?

I'm 62 years old and have covid. When won't I have to worry anymore? I've had it for 9 days my oxygen levels go from 85 to 93 when I put on my oxygen it reaches 95. I have COPD...

Is contrast dye safe?

I will have a CT scan with contrast dye. Is contrast dye safe?

Can you do bronchoscopy without general anesthesia?

I will have a bronchoscopy. Can you do bronchoscopy without general anesthesia?

Shortness of breath but normal EKG and x-ray?

I have been having shortness of breath off and on for the last year or so. I also have slight pain in my chest just to the right of my chest bone. I am a woman, age 40. 4'11...

Vape side effects?

If someone vapes one time and then never does it again, does it still damage your lungs?

Is it safe to have a chest X-ray?

I will have a chest X-ray. Is it safe to have a chest X-ray?

What is the best way to cure a cough?

My daughter is coughing. What is the best way to cure a cough?

What does a chest x-ray show for shortness of breath?

I have shortness of breath and will have an x-ray scan. What does a chest x-ray show for shortness of breath?

What kind of anesthesia is best for lung surgery?

I will have lung surgery. What kind of anesthesia is best for lung surgery?

How many sessions of radiotherapy are needed for lung cancer?

I will have radiotherapy for lung cancer. How many sessions of radiotherapy are needed for lung cancer?

Chest pain after smoking crack?

After I smoke crack, I immediately get a weird tight, heaviness around my left breast, a weird feeling along my collarbone. My throat feels like it's going to close and my head...

I’m young and I’m experiencing a lot of symptoms?

Before chest pain I had an addiction to weed and alc and vaping then I quit. I got clean for 10 months. Then I’ve been experiencing chest pain (a year ago) When I was clean,...

Is chest CT scan harmful?

I will have a chest CT scan. I am afraid. Is chest CT scan harmful?

Can you take marijuana while having covid?

I have covid but I’m not sure if I could smoke a blunt because I don’t know if marijuana has a bad effect on covid.

Is there epiglottis damage from a ventilator?

A relative recently had bypass surgery. . . 84 years old. . . after the surgery, the ventilator was left on for two days. Then after taking out apparently the little flap (epiglottis?...

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