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How effective are immune booster supplements?

A friend of mine recommended that I use a immune booster supplement. How effective are these?

I am planning a trip to Central Africa. Are there any vaccinations I need before traveling?

I am planning a trip to Central Africa, and will be leaving in a month. Are there any vaccinations I need before traveling?

Platelet disorders run in my family. Should I be worried about my daughter?

My mom and my grandma both suffered from platelet storage pool disease. What can I do to protect my daughter?

My son's leukocyte count is high. What does it mean?

A recent blood test indicated that my son's leukocyte count is quite high. What does it mean? Should I be worried about this?

How can I improve my son's immunity during the rainy season?

Where we live, we have a long season of just rain. My son usually is more susceptible to developing a cold during these seasons. What should I do boost his immunity?

Is there any homeopathic medicines to build immunity?

My immunity level is very poor and it's really worrying me. Are there any homeopathic medicines to build my immunity levels?

Can lack of vitamin D make my child weaker and more susceptible to infections?

My daughter has been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. Do you think this is likely to make my child weaker and more susceptible to infections?

What should a caregiver do for a hospitalized patient to prevent infections?

My mother is in the hospital and I have been visiting her everyday. She's in there for pneumonia, and while she is recovering, she has to be there throughout her entire recovery....

Why does my daughter sneeze everyday?

Every morning, my daughter wakes up and sneezes repeatedly for nearly a half an hour. She'll also sneeze randomly throughout the day, especially if she's in that room. This never...

My husband is down with a viral infection. Can it pass on to my daughter?

My husband has a viral cough and cold with fever. I basically isolated him in our room while he recovers, but he still eats with us and my daughter. How can I prevent it from...

Are there any medicines for boosting immunity when the weather changes?

The weather in my city is changing and it's becoming a little more arid, and I would like to know if there are any immunity boosters that will help my family cope from the changing...

High lymphocytes

6 months before I took CBC test my WBC is 8900. Lymphocytes is 45%. Yesterday I took another CBC test my WBC is 7. 5cells / cu. mm. Lymphocyte is 46. Is anything wrong?

Why is my son's immunity so low even after recovering from cancer?

My son is 9 years old and is a cancer survivor! We are very fortunate. However, his immunity is very low. Even a small cold and cough seems serious in his case. We have been...

Is poor immunity a heriditary problem?

I have always been prone to getting sick, ever since I was a child. I'm now pregnant, and I'm wondering if poor immunity is a hereditary issue.

Can I try ayurvedic medicines to improve my daughter's immunity?

My daughter falls sick very often from catching the cold and other common infections from school. She is now 3 years old. Can I try ayurvedic medicines to improve her immunity...

Are there immunity building medicines available in homeopathy?

My daughter gets sick with every season change. Are there any homeopathic medications available to help her improve her immunity?

Can ayurvedic medicines help my son build his immunity?

Do you recommend any specific ayurvedic medicines that I can give my son to build his immunity?

Is there any way to keep secondary infections at bay for people on the ventilator?

My sister is on a ventilator, but she keeps getting secondary infections on and off because of it. Is there any way to keep these infections away?

Can I visit a chiropractor to get my sinuses drained?

I have been suffering from a sinus problem ever since I moved to my new city of residence. Can I visit a chiropractor to help in draining my sinuses completely?

What are precautions to be taken by relatives tending to ICU patients ?

My mother is in the ICU and with special permission we have been allowed to stay with her. What precautions should we take while we are in the ICU?

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