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I'm pregnant, and I feel like I'm gaining a lot of weight. Is there anything I can do?

I'm putting on a lot more weight than I should. Even my OB-GYN said so during one of my check-ups. I thought it came naturally with pregnancy, but I just feel like my self-esteem...

Why do I have back pain during my period?

Every time I have my period, I end up getting severe back pain. Why is this?

Is it safe to conceive after gastric bypass surgery?

I underwent gastric bypass surgery 1 year ago. I am now planning to conceive, am I at any risks?

What causes implantation bleeding?

My wife is pregnant and had spotting which the doctor said is implantation bleeding. Why does this happen?

Is it safe to have sex in the 8th month of pregnancy?

I am in the 8th month of pregnancy and would like to know if sex is safe at this point? Will it hurt the baby?

How to treat swollen feet in pregnancy?

I am having a lot of swelling in my feet in the 4th month of my pregnancy. What should I do? Will it go away?

What are the side effects of a birth control pill?

I am planning to take Ipill and would like to know what are the side effects?

How do you predict when to have sex if you have PCOD?

If my girlfriend and I want to have unprotected sex but she has PCOD, how do we know if she is ovulating or not?

My period came 10 days early. Is this a problem?

I normally have regular periods every month but this month it came 10 days early. Could this be an issue?

Is surgery the only way to treat uterine fibroids?

I've been having pelvic pain and heavy bleeding during my period. I think I have uterine fibroids. Do I need surgery or is there medication I can take? Is so, what works best?...

Is tooth pain normal during pregnancy?

I have severe tooth pain, and I'm also pregnant. Is this a normal part of pregnancy? How can I treat this?

Is it possible to view internal defects of a baby during anomaly scan?

I am due for an anomaly scan, is it possible to view if my baby has any internal defects?

Do teeth get affected during pregnancy?

I am currently 3 months pregnant and I have read that during pregnancy may have an impact on my teeth. Is this true? Why does this happen?

Will taking birth control for an extended period of time effect my chances of getting pregnant when the time is right?

I have been taking birth control pills for over 10 years. I am worried that when I do want to try for a baby, that all of these years of birth control may make it difficult for...

Does general anesthesia during a C-section have an affect on your baby?

I am scheduled to have a C-section in 2 weeks, and am nervous about being under general anesthesia. Can it have an affect on my baby?

What foods should I avoid during my pregnancy?

I am 14 weeks pregnant and I want to make sure that I'm going to have a healthy and safe pregnancy. Are there any foods that I should avoid?

Is it okay to get a tattoo done during prengnacy?

I am planning to get a tattoo done but I'm a little worried because I am 19 weeks pregnant. Would this be a problem for my pregnancy?

What are the safest medicines for cold I can have during pregnancy?

I am 16 weeks pregnant, and the weather is about to change and I can already feel a cold on its way. Can you recommend the safest medicines that I can take for a cold during my...

Is it riskier for people who are overweight to go under anesthesia?

My wife has to have a C-section when she gives birth to our first child. I have read that if you are overweight, there are higher risks with anesthesia. Is this true? Should...

Are there any side effects of an epidural injection?

I am pregnant with my first child, and of course am nervous about giving birth. I am also nervous about getting an epidural. Are there any side effects of an epidural injection?...

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