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What are the negative effects of radioactive iodine treatment?

I will have radioactive iodine treatment. What are the negative effects of radioactive iodine treatment?

What causes blood in urine after prostate radiation?

I have blood in urine after prostate radiation. What causes blood in urine after prostate radiation?

Do they put you to sleep for vein ablation?

I will have a vein ablation procedure. Do they put you to sleep for vein ablation?

MRI results?

I got an MRI today. I got the results back online but I don’t think my Dr had time to look at them yet. Can someone help me translate them? I will post the “impression” down...

Is radiofrequency ablation good for varicose veins?

I have varicose veins and want to treat them. Is radiofrequency ablation good for varicose veins?

What are the side effects of a CT scan with contrast dye?

I will have a CT scan with contrast dye. What are the side effects of a CT scan with contrast dye?

CT scan question?

Hi, what is the difference between a CAT scan of the pelvic and abdominal without contrast, with oral contrast, or with IV contrast? On another note why specifically the Covid-19...

Is vascular surgery done under regional anesthesia?

I will have varicose veins surgery. Is vascular surgery done under regional anesthesia?

Is vein stripping done under general anesthesia?

I will have vein stripping surgery. Is vein stripping done under general anesthesia?

Do I have cirrhosis or cancer of the liver?

Does it appear on my CT scan results that I have cirrhosis or cancer of the liver?

What do the results of my full spine x-ray mean?

Slight pelvic tilt to the right. Negligible lumbosacral curve convex to that side and minimal bilateral thoracic curves. There appears to be a cervical rib-bilaterally, more...

Will sperm count increase after varicocele treatment?

I have a low sperm count and varicocele. Will sperm count increase after varicocele treatment?

Does varicocele disappear after the embolization?

I have varicocele and want to fix it. Does varicocele disappear after the embolization?

Does fertility improve after varicocele embolization?

I will have varicocele embolization. Does fertility improve after varicocele embolization?

Do you get a general anesthetic for varicose veins?

I will have varicose veins surgery. Do you get a general anesthetic for varicose veins?

MRI results?

My MRI of my hand said this marrow signal is mildly heterogeneous. What does this mean?

Is radiation treatment done for thyroid cancer?

I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Is radiation treatment done for thyroid cancer?

How many sessions of radiotherapy are needed for lung cancer?

I will have radiotherapy for lung cancer. How many sessions of radiotherapy are needed for lung cancer?

Can chemoembolization cure liver cancer?

I was diagnosed with liver cancer. Can chemoembolization cure liver cancer?

Is radiation treatment effective for colon cancer?

I have colon cancer and want to treat it. Is radiation treatment effective for colon cancer?

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