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Loss of Memory

Hello doctor, I forget things easily it has been going on for about three years now. I can't recall or remember words or things I learnt. Often times whilst speaking my brain...

So I think I have night terrors

I think I have night terrors cause when I wake up I sit up right immediately

Will I be ok

I can’t hold my tongue on the roof of my mouth because of a mouth full of drool or saliva In the mouth and I curl my tongue because of the drool or saliva in my mouth and I got...

fear of brain aneurysm or brain tumor

i have this sudden pressure on top of my head (scalp area) it happens when resting after a long walk it happens to me like 5-6 times in 8 months. I suffered from chronic tension...

Do I have scalp dysesthesia?

Im 17, no allergies nor medications, yet my scalp has been burning and tingling for almost 2 months now. I asked my doctor about it, he said he didn't know about what i had, other...

7 ct scans in a month, total of 42mSv. Did I largely increase my risk of cancer?

In the month of October, I was under a ct scanner more than I'd like. 3 Of the scans where diagnostic. 1 abdominal/Pelvic Showed fluid on the heart, and mild bowel wall thickening....

Collarbone swelling

I have several things wrong with my cervical spine. I am seeing a neurosurgeon next week. I have spondylosis, stenosis, pertruding discs, one herniated disc with an annular tear,...

Memory loss

Last night at 5 in the morning I woke up to my boyfriend committing everywhere he was super loopy and couldn’t even respond to me he doesn’t remember this happening at all we are...


I’ve had Covid for a week. Now my hearing is muffled in one ear and I have vertigo, which almost makes me throw up. Is this cause for concern?

Head problem

Hi for the last 2 years of been experiencing this water like feeling in the front of my head accompanied with light headedness I’ve been to the hospital many times and there not...

Brain eating amoeba

2 days ago I was outside and got puddle water up my eye. It’s been cold and rainy recently. Can I get brain eating aomeba

Tiny blackouts

I’m sure this is nothing but at random times I’ll have these mini blackouts. I don’t fully pass out but for an instant I’ll lose consciousness sort of. Some are stronger then...

Is it normal for a 15 year old to forget a lot of things?

I’m 15 years old and I forget almost everything. I can’t remember how to get to places I’ve been multiple times, I can’t remember things about people unless I write it down and...

Head ache

I hit myself in the head and have a headache that gets worse and spreads to my neck. I have neck stiffness and I am sensitive to lights. It feels a little better when I am resting....

Headache/upset stomach

Getting headaches every single day. I’m always taking Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Excedrin Migraine for pain. Nothing seems to be working anymore. Tried essential oils and tried...

Brain ct

I’ve been having headaches for 3 weeks. Some numbness in right elbow and nausea. I had a ct done of my brain at the er and they said it was was clear. Would they overlook a...

ct scan

Im having no specific problem. my question concerns CT scans versus colonoscopies. Ive had 2 abdominal ct scans with contrast in the past 9 years. It was for blood in my urine...

Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

Is Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia a real condition? I have seen 5 different doctors this week and none of them have even mentioned this condition even though all my symptoms are saying...

Lump forming on right side of head

A girl at work asked me if I hit my head and I said no. After looking in the mirror I am noticing a hard bone lump on the right side of my forehead. It is hard as a rock as if...

Extreme dizziness

I have a little diarrhea, I feel like vomiting but cannot, might have a little fever, get extremely dizzy every time I stand up, What do you think I have because I have no idea?...

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