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What is causing a lump on my breast?

I am a 24-year-old female and I have a lump on my left breast that has turned purple and grown bigger. It started about three months ago, but only recently started to turn purple....

Can I drink water before a mammogram?

I will have a mammogram. Can I drink water before a mammogram?

What not to do before the mammogram?

I will have a mammogram. What not to do before the mammogram?


I found out about 3 weeks ago that I was pregnant by an at home test. I went that same week for blood work and it came back that I did have hcg levels in my blood. About a week...

No menses

Hi, I am a 23 year old obese (around 280+) woman with PCOS. I've had this for several years. My first cycle was at 13 years of age, but it was abnormally heavy and lasted...

Implantation bleeding? Pregnancy?

Was having sex with my partner 3 days ago, started to bleed but only for a few minutes. put in a tampon because i thought it was a period, took it out a few hours later and found...

My period is 2 weeks late

I was supposed to get my period 2 weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it. It took 4 pregnancy tests and they were all negative. My last period was on 8/8/22. I don't feel any...

Tubal Ligation

had sex last night so friday night around midnight. i am getting my tubes tied monday. i don’t have a regular period because i gave birth june 19th. should i take a plan b?...

Is my IUD OK?

Is my IUD OK? When I use the bathroom this morning a ball of white something fell out of me it was about an inch or inch and a half around I guess. I’m not in any pain everything...

Is my IUD OK?

Is my IUD OK? When I use the bathroom this morning a ball of white something fell out of me it was about an inch or inch and a half around I guess. I’m not in any pain everything...


Me and my bf have been dating for awhile and I got diagnosed with chlamydia. Not sure if my previous partner gave it to me. my bf and me have been having unprotected sex. I...

Missed peri0d

Bleeding day after sex for two weeks, missed period

How do I know if my vagina doesn't look right?

My vagina isn't a hole and I've never been able to get anything up there, even tampons. It kinda looks like a little knob and I'm not sure if it's normal or something is wrong....


Can your period be late for a month after stopping the pill? ?

Unusual heavy bleeding

I stopped my period the 1st of this month. This Monday I started to bleed dark brown blood, which then turned to blood clots and bright red blood. It’s now Thursday and the bleeding...

Am I pregnant

I had sex with my bf about a week ago we were using protection but the condom kept sliding down during intercourse I didn’t think much of it then but now I’m 2 days late on my...

Unusual heavy bleeding

I stopped my period the 1st of this month. This Monday I started to bleed dark brown blood, which then turned to blood clots and bright red blood. It’s now Thursday and the bleeding...

My period is late and I’m a virgin

Hi. My period is late by 5-6 weeks. I’m a virgin and never had sexually intercourse. My nipple are tender and hurt at times.

Need to know what it is.

I have a dime size bump on the left side of my vigina lip and it's painful and I need to know what it is and how to help and what to do to help it go away.

Female issue

I have hsv 2, I been trying to find something to help with the pain when I use that bathroom. I had asked my pharmacist she suggested witch hazel or some type of numbing ointment....

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