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My 16 year old old daughter hardly ever has an appetite?

My 16 year old daughter hardly ever has an appetite. She's stuck at 80lbs, 5’0". No energy. Blood panel and thyroid tested normal. The 16 year old is a step-daughter (mom is...

Kidney stone pain - emergency room?

I have been dealing with a bad kidney infection and kidney stones for almost a month now. I am currently on my third round of antibiotics. I had another CT scan last Thursday...

Should I visit urgent care if I have COVID infection?

I was diagnosed with a COVID infection. Should I visit urgent care if I have COVID infection?

My 7 year old son has been sick?

He was just getting over the flu (at least we thought) so we sent him back to school after going to the hospital a day or two before. He spent 2 days at school and on the 2nd...

Is this an aneurysm?

I felt a pop on the left side of my head. I instantly had a sensation like something flooding that area. I got excruciating pain and felt really lightheaded. It lasted about...

Heart attack?

Hello, the muscles in my left arm are still like someone is squeezing it but my heart bpm is 78. I'm just worried that I might be having a heart attack. I feel fine just the...

Cut fingertip?

I cut my fingertip and lower part of the nail 3 weeks ago. A few days later my doctor said was healing well. Fingertip was attached. My concern is that although it's attached...

Do hospitals treat low hemoglobin?

I have low hemoglobin levels. Do hospitals treat low hemoglobin?

How can I raise my iron levels quickly?

I have low iron levels. How can I raise my iron levels quickly?

What does it mean when your prostate levels are high?

I have high prostate levels. What does it mean when your prostate levels are high?

Should I be worried?

I’m a 17 year old female who’s been experiencing palpitations and tachycardia for some months now. I’ve had many EKGs and been to the ER many times for them (even though there...

Lyme disease, no symptoms?

I am a healthy 65 year old male. I play golf and basketball every day. Great stamina but I tested positive for Lyme disease. I have no symptoms. Should I be taking tetracycline...

Should I go to the ER?

I’ve been having cold-like symptoms for about a week now. I’ve had a cough, stuffy nose, all around not feeling well. The last 3-4 days I’ve had a really bad sore throat and...

What should I do for high hemoglobin?

I have high hemoglobin. What should I do for high hemoglobin?

Gallstones help?

I'm worried I've had pain on both sides under my ribs and around my back on the right side. Also, I've had nausea and some vomiting, pain is worse after eating. I have diarrhea...

Severe pain in arm after blood draw?

My 22 year old daughter had her blood drawn yesterday and has been in severe pain since. She can’t straighten her arm.

Dull pain in rectum?

I'm a 20 year old that's feeling achy and dull pain in my rectum. It has been for 2 or 3 days. I can't defecate.

Lab test?

I went to the emergency room a few days ago. They did a CBC and the metabolic comprehensive blood test. Everything was normal. They also did a urine test which I came out with...

A drop of raw chicken juice in my eye?

I got a drop of raw chicken juice in my eye at work. I had contacts in so I could not rinse it. It did not bother me cause it was just a speck of a drop. The next day my lower...

What could this stuff eating away at my dads legs be?

My dad has had what I believe started out as a really bad staph or MRSA infection that has now turned into necrofasciitis (sp? ) or possibly even gangrene. I have no idea how...

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