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Head injury as baby?

I was breached as a baby. My head scraped my mom's pelvic bone during them turning me and I have a bald spot. Well, my mom told me the doctors said I could potentially have cancer...

Lymph node biopsy?

Why choose to do a removal biopsy on a lymph node, located on the occipital area, before a needle biopsy or MRI, just from feeling it once?

I'm feeling weak and sick post gall bladder removal?

I had my gall bladder removed 6 months ago. How can nausea and lack of appetite be treated? Taking any medication in tablet form, or food, frequently causes vomiting I collapsed...

My daughter is sick, I don’t know what to do?

Her feet are black and swollen, her chest is starting to get black. She’s losing weight. She’s very pale. She’s deteriorating in front of my eyes. I tell her to let’s go to...

Hiatal hernia?

I have a history of food being stuck. It's been going on for 4 hours, no food coming up now just saliva but feels still stuck. It's never gone to this level. I'm 70 years old,...

Tonsillectomy procedure?

My dr wants to perform my tonsillectomy with an incision in the externally lower neck area. Is this normal? I can’t find anything online about it which is unnerving.

Pounding heart?

I have been diagnosed with Tachycardia, I was taking propranolol, but I stopped taking it because it caused me purpura. Today I woke up with a pounding heart, shortness of breath,...

Bulge in abdomen before urination?

The problem is a bulge in the lower abdomen that appears before urination and disappears immediately after. No medications were taken.

Spinal tap?

I had a spinal tap a year ago. Why do I still have episodes?

Post-surgery bleeding?

I just had surgery on my foot, and I wasn't supposed to walk on it, but I did anyway and now it's bleeding. I'm on medicine for anxiety, depression, acid reflux, birth control,...

Pain after femoral derotational osteotomy?

1 year ago a femoral derotational osteotomy was made on my left leg. After that period I suffer from pain especially when I am sitting and limp while I am walking very long distances....

Random stabbing chest pain with shortness of breath?

For the last 4 days, I've been having trouble breathing along with random chest pains. I broke 4 ribs a couple of years ago and had bronchitis in 2018. I'm on anxiety meds and...

What may be wrong with me?

I have gas trapped in my chest. I have left side numbness. It's been a month and I can't tell anymore if its gas or flutters. I feel ill, like Im walking with death. I've been...

Surgery with sleep apnea?

I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine. I am scheduled for umbilical hernia surgery. Am I at risk for complications during recovery? What should I tell my Dr?

Is this a hernia or fluid or infection? What is going on?

I've had different doctors all say different things. I'm getting aggravated because now it's probably too late to worry about having kids. It started 9 weeks ago when I got hit...

Stomach problems?

I was getting pain in my lower right abdomen for 5 years now and have been to the ER around 19 times. I had cat scans, blood work, urine and fecal tests, and an all-around physical....

Head surgery without shaving the head?

I am a healthy 32 year old woman who is looking for a surgeon, probably a neurosurgeon, to remove 4 objects in the lower back of the head. These are BB pellets from self-harm...

Palpitations after lunch?

I'm a 27 year old female whose been having episodes of palpitations w/ elevated pulse w/i 30m or so of eating lunch for about 3 months. They feel regular, but I can notice when...

Can urgent care treat gallbladder pain?

I have bad gallbladder pain. Can urgent care treat gallbladder pain?

Should I see a doctor for an allergic reaction?

I had an allergic reaction to hair dye. Should I see a doctor for an allergic reaction?

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