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Is the veins ablation procedure safe?

I will have a vein ablation procedure. Is the veins ablation procedure safe?

What are the side effects of thyroid CT scan?

I will have a thyroid CT scan. What are the side effects of a thyroid CT scan?

What should you eat after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. What should you eat after radiotherapy?

Double vision post Covid-19?

I tested covid-19 positive in Jan 2021 from the second wave in South Africa. I recovered at home. A few months later I started having a double vision. I went to my optician...

When can I eat after the CT scan with dye?

I will have a CT scan with dye. When can I eat after the CT scan with dye?

Does radiofrequency ablation of veins leave a scar?

I will have radiofrequency ablation of veins. Does radiofrequency ablation of veins leave a scar?

Should you get a dye for a lung CT scan?

I will have a lung CT scan. Should you get a dye for a lung CT scan?

How long is a CT scan of the kidney?

I will have a kidney CT scan. How long is a CT scan of the kidney?

How long do you have fatigue after radiotherapy?

I have fatigue after radiotherapy. How long do you have fatigue after radiotherapy?

When can you eat after a CT scan with contrast?

I will have a lung CT scan with contrast. When can you eat after a CT scan with contrast?

Can radiotherapy cure prostate cancer?

I will have radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Can radiotherapy cure prostate cancer?

Is radiotherapy for colon cancer effective?

I will have radiotherapy for colon cancer. Is radiotherapy for colon cancer effective?

Is thyroid CT scan with contrast safe?

I will have a thyroid CT scan with contrast. Is thyroid CT scan with contrast safe?

Is a liver CT scan safe?

I will have a liver CT scan. Is a liver CT scan safe?

How should I prepare for a liver CT scan?

I will have a liver CT scan. How should I prepare for a liver CT scan?

Is radiotherapy effective for kidney cancer?

My friend has kidney cancer. Is radiotherapy effective for kidney cancer?

What are the side effects of a brain CT scan?

I will have a brain CT scan. What are the side effects of a brain CT scan?

Is radiotherapy for lung cancer painful?

I will have radiotherapy for lung cancer. Is radiotherapy for lung cancer painful?

Can you fully recover from radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy for thyroid cancer. Can you fully recover from radiotherapy?

Shoulder injury?

Hi, I fell during a rugby game into my right shoulder. I’ve been to hospital and got an x-ray, CT and MRI. I’ve attached a link to my scans. Would like an opinion and recommendations...

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