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Does this sound like allergies?

Around the beginning of July, I woke up one morning and one of my ears and one nostril was stuffed. My girlfriend had the A/C really cold. I told myself that was the cause and...

What medicine should I take for dust allergy?

I have a dust allergy and want to take medicine. What medicine should I take for dust allergy?

Is acupuncture good for allergic rhinitis?

I have allergic rhinitis and want to treat it. Is acupuncture good for allergic rhinitis?

Allergy to covid shot?

I had covid I am not against the shot. But I am allergic to petroleum alcohol. What happens is my lungs feel up with fluid? So I don't think the shot would be good for me....

Red face?

My 7 year old son had a red face since 7: 30 this morning its only red and itchy from neck up. We gave Benadryl but no change. His breathing and appetite have been fine and his...

Diclofenac suppositories?

I am allergic to aspirin and ibuprofen if taken orally. My lips swell up. Can I take diclofenac suppository instead? For my back pain.

The best mask to wear?

I know N95 mask is the best but I feel that it's really hard to breathe in. o is there another suggestion that you can give. I thought about getting a copper Fit mask. But didn't...

Does acupuncture cure food allergies?

I have food allergies and want to treat them. Does acupuncture cure food allergies?

What happens if you're allergic to local anesthesia?

I need to have surgery under local anesthesia, but I am allergic to anesthesia. What should I do?

High BP and rash?

I have a rash around my neck, inside my ears and around my eyes which have swollen, no hive like bumps but welts along the creases in my neck, no fever, benadryl isn't helping....

Sinus inflammation?

I have what seems like mucus or inflammation in my sinuses. Ear drainage and a headache. What can I take?

Can chiropractors help with allergies?

I have seasonal allergies and want to treat them. Can chiropractors help with allergies?

Which antihistamine is best for dust allergy?

I have a dust allergy and want to treat it. Which antihistamine is best for dust allergy?


I have a lifetime history of asthma, eczema, and anxiety. My mother had congenital heart disease and diabetes, which she died of in 2019. I am 64 years old and the meds I'm taking...

Can chiropractic help with food allergies?

I have a food allergy. I want to treat it. Can chiropractic help with food allergies?

What do I do if my child is allergic to peanuts?

My daughter has a peanut allergy. Is it serious? What should I do?

How do you treat dust allergy in children?

My son has a dust allergy. I want to help him. How do you treat dust allergy in children?

What do I do if my child has a food allergy?

My daughter has a food allergy. Is it serious? What are the treatment options?

Can you get allergy shots for dust?

I have a dust allergy and want to treat it. Can you get allergy shots for dust?

Bug bite or staph?

If you get stung or bit by something unknown in the armpit and it starts healing and a week later another spot occurs down by the pelvic area is this an allergic reaction to a...

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