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What can I do to prevent hair loss?

Hair loss unfortunately runs in my family, and I don't want to deal with this when I get older. Are there ways to prevent hair loss from happening?

Is taking Xanax bad before a flight?

Before I go on a flight, I always take a Xanax to relax my nerves and hopefully help me sleep. My mom thinks that I shouldn't do this, in case something happens on the flight....

Should I not travel if I have chest pains?

Lately I've been suffering from chest pains that make it really hard for me to breathe. I went to the doctor, and we did some tests, and nothing came back from them (which is...

What should I do if I feel dizzy during my flight?

With motion, I typically feel dizzy and faint. I have a huge flight coming up, and I'm nervous that the same thing would happen or that I would be really nauseous when there's...

How can I prevent nausea while flying?

Usually motion makes me sick, and flying is definitely no different. I don't want to have this feeling constantly while on my flight this week. Is there anything that I can do...

How can I lower my blood pressure in-flight?

My blood pressure always goes up when I'm flying and I'm pretty uncomfortable with that. My doctor says that this is normal because I feel so nervous. Is there anything that...

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