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What vitamins can help you get pregnant?

I want to get pregnant. What vitamins can help you get pregnant?

Do I need to take folic acid before getting pregnant?

I want to get pregnant. Do I need to take folic acid before getting pregnant?

What to avoid when trying to get pregnant?

I want to get pregnant. What to avoid when trying to get pregnant?

When should I go to the ER?

I am 3 months pregnant and I have been having a sore throat for 5 days. The first day was just an itch leading up to the soreness. I have only taken Tylenol 500mg & have been...

6 Weeks pregnant with light pain?

I found out I was pregnant about a week ago, and for the past five days or so I have been experiencing light, random pain all around my pelvic region. It’s not only on one side...

When can you go home after giving birth?

I will have delivery next week. When can you go home after giving birth?

How should I sleep after giving birth?

I will have delivery this week. How should I sleep after giving birth?

Is it OK to drink lemon water while pregnant?

I am 3 weeks pregnant. Is it OK to drink lemon water while pregnant?

Elevated b-12 levels?

I am currently pregnant with twins and my b-12 levels came back slightly elevated and my ob-gyn is not sure why. He says my level is 914 and they want to see it below 911. Should...

Head injury as baby?

I was breached as a baby. My head scraped my mom's pelvic bone during them turning me and I have a bald spot. Well, my mom told me the doctors said I could potentially have cancer...

Failed epidural and spinal block for c-section?

I'm curious about what can cause a failed epidural and spinal blocks? They never worked and I ended up being put to sleep after multiple tries. I have anxiety about trying for...

Aplasia Cutis type 5?

My son was born with possible Aplasia Cutis and I have been asked to take him for a biopsy, will this give definite answers?

CBC explanation?

My daughter has had 2 cbc checks done in 6 days. Her doctors keep brushing it off. I need to know if the areas that are abnormal are cause for concern. The first lab set was...

Is my son okay?

My son was born prematurely due to my placenta rupturing at 35 weeks. He was not breathing when he was born but they were able to bring him back. He was in the NICU for 2 months...

How effective is the pregnancy pill?

I want to take pregnancy pills. How effective is the pregnancy pill?

What should I eat for menstrual cramps?

I have menstrual cramps. What should I eat for menstrual cramps?

What helps period cramps go away?

I have period cramps and want to treat them. What helps period cramps go away fast?

Is it safe to get a chest CT scan during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and need to have a chest CT scan. Is it safe to get a chest CT scan during pregnancy?

What should I eat on an empty stomach when pregnant?

I am pregnant and want to eat healthy foods. What should I eat on an empty stomach when pregnant?

Pregnancy test confusion?

Why does my urine test say I’m 9 weeks pregnant and then the ultrasound says I’m 13 weeks?

Questions by Specialty

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