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COVID vaccine side effect?

I received a Moderna COVID booster vaccine yesterday and today I have noticed a large painful bruise located 6-7 inches BELOW the injection site. Is this cause for concern? And...

HPV transmission?

I am a 31 year old male. I am 5'6 and 180 lbs. I am healthy and active with no symptoms and no medications. I don't smoke and have 1 alcoholic drink a month. I'm here because...

What could this stuff eating away at my dads legs be?

My dad has had what I believe started out as a really bad staph or MRSA infection that has now turned into necrofasciitis (sp? ) or possibly even gangrene. I have no idea how...

Should I get lung CT scan after recovering from COVID?

I recovered from a COVID infection 5 days ago. Should I get a lung CT scan after recovering from COVID?

Is the COVID vaccine safe for 10 year old children?

My daughter is 10 years old. Is the COVID vaccine safe for 10 year old children?

Can COVID infection cause heart spasms?

I recovered from a COVID infection and I have heart spasms. Can COVID infection cause heart spasms?

Can the COVID vaccine cause a fast heartbeat?

After getting the COVID vaccine I have a fast heartbeat. Can the COVID vaccine cause a fast heartbeat?

Could this be lyme disease?

I have a bug bite with a round rash. Could it be a tick bite?

Rabies question?

Hello, I would like to ask one question about rabies. I keep chickens in the yard and the fox ran into my yard and attacked the chicken. The fox released the chicken when she...

Bird fanciers lung?

Can I keep chickens outdoors when I have lung fanciers disease? My daughter will be looking after the chickens.

I want another medical personal advice?

My boyfriend is scared of needles and my ob-gyn prescribed cefixime 400mg and nothing else. Does cefixime alone treat gonorrhea? I heard it doesn’t but his discharge stopped...

I just did a covid home test and it came back positive?

I just did a covid home antigen test and it came back positive. Here's the thing, though I looked up the symptoms of covid and I don't have a fever, I don't have chills, I don't...

Mites are back?

About 6 months ago I had an infestation of small black itching biting creatures. I was given creams, paid for exterminator, tried everything. No one believed me including doctors...

Loss of taste and smell?

We had covid back in 2020 and we lost our taste and smell. How can we get it back? Coffee smells different and sweets.

Normal side effects?

I received a pneumonia and shingles vaccine on the same day. No fever but experiencing chills, loss of appetite, thrown up 3 times, body ache. Is that normal or should we go...

Sars 2 in children to adults?

My grandson tested positive for Sarsgaard. His mother has to go to work and she needs me to babysit him. I want to know is it OK for me to babysit him with me having underlined...

COVID related?

If I test negative for COVID is it ok to visit my grandfather? Because of his age, dementia, COPD, and a bit of depression from recently losing his wife he is in a high-risk group....

Gonorrhea treatment?

I’m having gonorrhea and need medication. I have had no treatment so far.

Fungal infection?

I've had a fungal infection for 4 years. What is the solution?

Brown recluse bite?

I have had a spider bite for a few days now. It's now swollen, red, started necrosis. I have severe nausea and vomited black. Is this a normal brown recluse reaction?

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