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Does prostate surgery hurt?

I will have prostate surgery. Does prostate surgery hurt?

What sedation is used for testicular sclerotherapy?

I will have testicular sclerotherapy. What sedation is used for testicular sclerotherapy?

When will I get results from a prostate biopsy?

I will have a prostate biopsy. When will I get results from a prostate biopsy?

Can saw palmetto reduce enlarged prostate?

I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. Can saw palmetto reduce enlarged prostate?

Is a drain needed for a hydrocelectomy?

I have a hydrocele (ultrasound showed it is probably non-commuting), and the urologist I went to recommended a scrotal incision and placing a drain tube for up to a week after...

Is prostate radiation treatment effective?

I will get radiation treatment for prostate cancer. Is prostate radiation treatment effective?

What to expect when getting sperm tested?

I will have a sperm test. What to expect when getting sperm tested?

How are prostate biopsy results given?

I will have a prostate biopsy. How are prostate biopsy results given?

Which food improves sperm quality?

I want to have a healthy diet for my sperm quality. Which food improves sperm quality?

Penis skin starting to peel?

My skin becomes very curt and started to peel off and the same process started after 2-3 days.

Is TURP a major surgery?

I will have prostate TURP surgery. Is TURP a major surgery?

What happens if you leave an enlarged prostate untreated?

I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. What happens if you leave an enlarged prostate untreated?

How will a urologist fix enlarged prostate?

I have an enlarged prostate. How will a urologist fix enlarged prostate?

What test shows kidney infection?

I think I have a kidney infection. What test shows kidney infection?

What is the cause of the loss of feeling?

I'm 17 years old. I lost feeling in my bladder and clitoris. I don't know when the bladder is full. I don't feel any excitement and sex drive anymore. The clitoris is no longer...

Wil testosterone level increase after varicocele surgery?

I have low testosterone levels. Wil testosterone level increase after varicocele surgery?

Will my sperm improve after varicocele surgery?

I will have varicocele surgery. Will my sperm improve after varicocele surgery?

Can radiation shrink an enlarged prostate?

I have an enlarged prostate and want to fix it. Can radiation shrink an enlarged prostate?

Can a prostatectomy be done laparoscopically?

I will have a prostatectomy. Can a prostatectomy be done laparoscopically?

Why am I getting UTIs so often?

I'm in my late teens. I masturbate a lot, usually when I'm studying, after a workout session, or after a hectic day at night. It can be more than once a day but not all days...

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