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Does acupuncture help bronchitis?

I have bronchitis and want to treat it. Does acupuncture help bronchitis?

Is shortness of breath a medical emergency?

I have shortness of breath. I don't know what to do. Should I go to ER?

Can bronchitis be detected by a CT scan?

I think I have bronchitis and want to have tests. Can bronchitis be detected by a CT scan?

Extreme tobacco withdrawal?

I am a 58 year old female and quit smoking 4 days ago. For the first day I had a Little discomfort but each day since I feel as I have a flu or virus of some kind. I use an inhaler...

How do I know if I swallowed liquid into my lung?

Hello I'm a little freaked out right now. I was having a gulp of Dr. Pepper while swallowing it hurt and felt it go on my left side of my throat if that makes sense. I have...

Is it normal to have shortness of breath after pneumonia?

My son recovered from pneumonia. After that, he has shortness of breath. Is it normal to have shortness of breath after pneumonia?

Blood oyxgen?

I have COPD how dangerous is it when my pulse oximeter reads 68 and how low can it get?

Is breathing secondhand air from a copd machine harmful?

I want to know is breathing secondhand air from a copd machine harmful?


I'm at a care facility for physical therapy. I was told that I could keep my Albuterol inhaler at my table next to me. Then I was told that I couldn't. Were they wrong in changing...

How long does it take for a sinus infection to go away with antibiotics?

I am taking antibiotics for my sinus infection. How long does it take for a sinus infection to go away with antibiotics?

Possible aspiration of vomit?

I was lying on my back just a few minutes ago, and I burped up some vomit, a tiny amount, maybe a bit more than a tablespoon, at the exact time I inhaled. I immediately started...

Can tight neck muscles cause difficulty breathing?

I have tight muscles and difficulty breathing. Can tight neck muscles cause difficulty breathing? What should I do?

Can acupuncture help with sinus infections?

I have a sinus infection. I want to treat it. Can acupuncture help with sinus infections?

Pain in the chest going to the left shoulder?

I have a pain in the center of my chest that is also in my shoulder when I take a normal or deep breath. I'm 70 years old.

When does pneumonia become an emergency?

I have pneumonia. I feel fine. When does pneumonia become an emergency?

Can COVID cause kidney damage?

I recovered from COVID 10 days ago. Yesterday, I was diagnosed with kidney damage. Can COVID cause kidney damage?

Does bronchitis go away on its own?

My daughter was diagnosed with bronchitis. Is it serious? Does bronchitis go away on its own?

What is this?

At random times I feel a stabbing pain in my left side chest, it is like a burst of pain for seconds, it goes away for a few seconds then comes back and repeats for a minute or...

Why do I have persistent coughing weeks after recovering from covid?

I had covid 3 weeks ago and still have a slight cough. Why do I have persistent coughing weeks after recovering from covid?


I’m becoming very breathless when climbing the stairs and my heart rate also jumps is this normal?

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