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False positive?

If you have been taking phentermine can that cause you to have high HCG levels and a false positive pregnancy test?

Severe abdominal pain?

Every time my period comes I have severe abdominal pain that are not my cramps. Most of the pain happens in the lower intestines. I don’t take any medication besides Tylenol...

Delay in periods?

I have taken a pill and after a month of taking it, there are no periods.

Spotting before period?

I was spotting 4 days before my period for 3 days and cramping. I'm not sure if this is normal because this is the first time spotting?

Restoralax while pregnant?

I am 22 weeks pregnant. I have been taking colace for stool softeners. I have been taking 2 at night for almost 2 weeks. I went to the hospital a few weeks ago because I had...

I need advice on what to do?

I have had very intense sharp pains in my lower abdomen, then I got my period which is extremely heavy it is a non-stop flow. It soaks through a tampon or two in one hour. The...

Vaginal issue?

Recently I have spotted two tiny bumps around my vaginal area they do not itch is this a sign of an std or just an irritation?

Am I pregnant?

Me and my boyfriend had sex but it seemed the condom was sort of loose at the bottom. It’s been about a week and 3 days and my breast are getting swollen and every tender and...

What can a pregnant woman take to cure the flu?

I am pregnant and have flu. What can a pregnant woman take to cure the flu?

What vitamins should a woman take after giving birth?

I had delivery 3 days ago. What vitamins should a woman take after giving birth?

How long does it take to deliver a baby with C-section?

I will have a C-section delivery. How long does it take to deliver a baby with C-section?

How much weight should I have gained at 20 weeks?

I am 20 weeks pregnant. How much weight should I have gained at 20 weeks?

Do I need to see a doctor after an early miscarriage?

I had an early miscarriage. Do I need to see a doctor after an early miscarriage?

Over the counter medicines for irregular periods?

Hello, I would like to ask if there are any available over-the-counter medicines that can be taken for treating irregular periods. I'm 20 years old and I've been dealing with...

What can I take for an allergic reaction to products?

I shaved earlier in the week. With a new razor that has Aloe Vera on the strips. On Saturday night, I scratched my vagina the next day I had painful razor bumps (boils) that...

Why is my period so watery all of a sudden?

My period is never this thin light or watery it’s just like water it’s nothing like my usual cycle and I’m concerned.

Covid during early pregnancy?

I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I got a cold and cough. I did a rapid test and it is positive. I haven't started any medication yet. Is it dangerous getting covid positive during early...

Laparoscopy for endometriosis diagnosis?

I am scheduled to get a laparoscopy for diagnosis and fulguration of endometriosis. I wanted to know from start to finish how long does it take to do the procedure from start...

Vaginal pain?

I have vaginal irritation, I have two small cuts near my clitoris and irritation in my labia minora because I might’ve irritated it by itching. I know I have no STD’s or STI’s...

Are mammograms more painful for large breasts?

I will have a mammogram. Are mammograms more painful for large breasts?

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