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Is fish oil good for my child?

Is it right to start my 6 year old son on fish oil to improve his heart functioning?

How can I motivate my daughter to lose weight?

My daughter is 13 years old and has gained too much weight. She is now low on confidence and I am finding it hard to help her. Please suggest ways in which I could treat her...

What is mindful eating and how does it help?

I've heard of mindful eating, but I'm not really sure of what it involves. What exactly is this and how does it help?

I am unable to eat well these days. Could it be related to my liver condition?

I am unable to eat well these days. I just don't have much of an appetite. I have hepatitis. Could this lack of appetite have anything to do with my liver condition?

How are electrolyte imbalances treated?

My father is suffering from an electrolyte imbalance. Are there any home remedies that can help correct this? What should he be eating and drinking to balance his electrolytes...

Can a diet help treat my child with ADHD?

My son has ADHD. Is there a specific diet that helps with ADHD?

Is excessive green tea consumption bad for health?

I end up having a lot of green tea during my work hours throughout the day. Is it bad for my health?

What is the treatment for acid reflux?

I have acid reflux and have poor food habits. The burning in my throat and chest is becoming intense. What is food I should avoid and food that will help?

I suffer from liver disease. Can I still eat fast food?

I have liver disease. Does this mean I should completely stop eating greasy and fatty food?

Is juice fasting safe?

I want to lose weight and have been wanting to try out the juice fast. Is it safe? Are there any risk?

Can someone live off of Ensure Clear Nutrition?

Can someone live off of drinking these? I know it's not a good idea, but the person has an eating disorder and doesn't eat. Will this give them the nutrition they need?

Is intermittent fasting safe and healthy?

I have been wanting to try the intermittent fasting to lose weight. Is this safe and healthy?

My daughter has celiac disease, and is having trouble with the gluten-free diet. What do you recommend?

My daughter has celiac disease and is having issues with adjusting to the gluten-free diet. Do you have any recommendations to make this diet more, I don't know, enjoyable for...

Is blue apron really healthy? Should I start it?

It's too much to go grocery store shopping any more, and blue apron offers the flexibility that I'm looking for. But is it healthy to start on it? Would you recommend it?

Does MSG in food cause heart problems?

I recently came across an article that said MSG found in various foods can cause heart problems. Is this really true?

Is it okay to have only fruits for breakfast?

Most days, I grab a piece of fruit and run for the door. Is it okay to only have fruits for breakfast?

Why is my mother refusing to eat?

For the past two days, my mother has refused to eat any food that we give her. What could have triggered this? She's 70 years old.

Can you suggest the proper diet for someone suffering from constipation?

My mother has a problem with constipation, which keeps happening. She started to take laxatives, and they help, somewhat, but we'd rather her not depend on them and take them...

Is there a special diet I should give my daughter while she's on her period?

My daughter is quite healthy and is 13 years old. She has recently started getting her period, and has been feeling rather drained out. Should I give her a special diet during...

How much salt is too much salt?

I am working to change my diet and try to lose weight. One thing I love is salty foods. How much salt is too much salt for me?

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