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What medicines are administered to treat drug addiction?

What class of medicines are administered for treating drug addiction in people?

Is quitting drugs painful?

My son is receiving rehabilitation from drug addiction. He often seems to be in a lot of pain. Is it only the process of quitting drugs that is painful or is it something else...

How can I convince myself to quit drinking?

I am addicted to drinking, and it's starting to create a huge rift within my relationship. How can I convince myself to quit drinking? Will I need to see a counselor?

Will my anti depressants hamper my rehabilitation?

I am trying to quit smoking however I am also taking anti-depressants. Will taking these anti-depressants worsen my smoking problem?

Do I have to take my addiction meds throughout my life?

I was told that I would need to take medication for my alcoholism. But, if I start taking addiction meds now, will I have to take it lifelong?

What are the possible side effects of addiction medicines?

Can addiction medicines also have side effects? What are they and how can they be managed?

Can cough syrups be an addiction?

My husband drinks cough syrup every night before sleeping, even when he doesn't have a cough. He says that it helps him sleep, because it's PM, but I'm not sure how healthy this...

How can I stop my husband from drinking?

My husband started out as a social drinker but now needs a drink every night. Actually, he doesn't sleep unless he has a drink before bed and I am starting to get really worried....

What should I do to curb my withdrawal symptoms from smoking?

I recently quit smoking, but I am experiencing a lot of headaches and severe withdrawal symptoms. What should I do to curb my withdrawal symptoms?

Can anti-depressants become an addiction?

I was diagnosed with depression three years ago, and I have been taking anti-depressants ever since. They also have been helping me sleep. My mom told me that I shouldn't depend...

How should I counsel my husband to stop drinking alcohol?

My husband is an alcoholic, and I want him to stop drinking alcohol so badly. It's tearing our marriage apart. How should I help him?

What side effects should I expect from medications for my addictions?

I went to an addictive specialist for my addiction to smoking about a week ago. When we were discussing treatment options, she suggested for me to take medication. Could this...

How do patches work for treating drug addiction?

My cousin is addicted to opioids. In the hospital, they actually gave her a patch to help her. What are the patches used on patients suffering from drug addiction? How do they...

Is there any medication that can help me quit smoking?

I would like to quit smoking soon. I have tried everything, the patch, hypnotism, and e-cigarettes. Nothing really worked. Is there a medication that will help?

How is sex addiction treated in men?

Is sex addiction a real problem in some men? How can this be treated?

I am addicted to eating sugar. What can I do to treat this problem?

I believe I have a sugar addiction. I pretty much eat sugar whenever I can, especially when I'm bored. Is there anything I can do to treat this?

Can pain relieving drugs become addictive?

I recently read a report that said pain relieving drugs could become an addiction for people in no time. Is this true?

When is someone considered "addicted"?

I feel like addiction is used too often and loosely. Medically, when is someone really considered addicted to something?

Is coffee an addiction?

My sister is addicted to coffee and ends up having almost 3 to 7 cups a day. It just doesn’t seem normal. Is it actually an addiction?

I crave sugar, is it a problem?

I have a strong craving for sugar through out the day. I also feel like I can eat just plain and raw sugar often. Is it a psychological problem?

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