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When should I suspect my child has congenital heart disease?

My 8-month-old son seems to be having trouble breathing at times and does not always want to eat food. Could this be something related to his heart?

What makes a child's heart skip a beat?

My son is 5 years old and at night, his heart skips a few beats and it's a little concerning. What could cause this?

Can acid reflux cause heart palpitations?

My son has had several bouts of acid reflux and he's 9 years old. But now, we noticed that he has heart palpitations alongside it. Could this be due to the reflux?

Child has a stress test. What should I expect?

My child is going to have an exercise stress test, and I'm not sure what exactly it's going to measure. I understand that it's supposed to measure how well her heart works and...

What's causing my son's fast heartbeat?

My son is 12 years old, and he's been complaining about a fast heartbeat. When I felt his pulse, it was definitely faster than normal and he told me that it's been going on for...

What is pediatric cardiomyopathy?

Can you explain cardiomyopathy to me, in regards to infants and children? My daughter's baby was diagnosed with this at 3 years old, and from what I understand, it is a rare disease....

Are heart murmurs normal in children?

My daughter's pediatrician heard a heart murmur in her last appointment, but her doctor said that it isn't serious because she never had heart issues and only a fever at the time....

Does vaping cause heart issues in children?

My son is 15 years old, and I found a vape pen in his room while cleaning out. This happened this morning, so I'm planning on talking to him about it today. If he continues to...

How long will it take my daughter to recover from open heart surgery?

My daughter is only 8 years old, but she needs to have open heart surgery and is scheduled to have one toward the end of the month. How long would she need to recover fully?

My son's chest is feeling tight lately. What could be the cause?

My son is only a teenager, and his chest has been feeling pretty tight lately after he does physical activity. What could be causing this?

Is ECG safe for children?

My son is 9 years old, and his doctor said that he must have ECG test after experiencing a chronic arrhythmia. Is this test safe for a 9-year-old?

Can my child have an ECG?

My child is 5 years old, and his doctor wants to do an ECG to see how his heart handles exercise. Is five too young?

Does heart rate increase when exposed to the sun?

My son's 7 years old, and I noticed that he has a high heart rate whenever he comes in from playing outside. Is it possible for his heart rate to increase when exposed to the...

Why does my daughter's heart beat so fast?

My daughter is 4 years old. Recently I noticed that her heart is beating very fast. What can be the cause? Should I take her to a doctor?

What is the cause of my son's chest pain?

My son is 10 year old, and he has experienced chest pain for already one week. What could really be the cause? I'm afraid that this has to do with his heart.

Can running cause chest pains?

My 10 year old son has pretty sharp chest pain while he runs. Is this a normal thing for him to experience? Should I take him to a doctor?

What are some signs of heart issues in children?

My child's school called me about this, actually, and it was about my son having issues with his breathing after exercising. He would easily be out of breath after doing most...

My child has shortness of breath. Is this a sign of a heart condition?

I've noticed that my child has been short on breath, and I'm scared that this could be a heart condition. I know this is a sign of a heart condition with adults, but is it a sign...

Do we need to visit a cardiologist if there is a family history of heart problems?

My mother is in her late 40s and she has been suffering from breathlessness and pain in the chest and back region. Could these be signs of heart issues? We also have a family...

My baby was operated for a hole in the heart. Can it reoccur?

When my son was 3 years old he was operated on because he had a hole in the heart. Is it possible for him to have another hole in his heart?

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