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Source of pain question?

I have a question about my knee x-rays. I have a lot of constant knee pain, I use an ml830 laser on them a lot. My ankle is really damaged- the two main supporting joints have...

How can I get immediate relief from varicose vein pain?

I have varicose vein pain and want to treat it. How can I get immediate relief from varicose vein pain?

How do you relieve pain from varicocele?

I have varicocele pain and want to treat it. How do you relieve pain from varicocele?

Mammogram results?

My mammogram showed a new focal asymmetry on CC view with a linear opacity that may correspond on ML view. What does that mean?

How dangerous is a mammogram for a 15 year old?

My 15 year old daughter has a fairly large lump in her right breast. It's at the top of her breast (I'm not sure if that makes a difference) she has had an ultrasound but they...

Can scabies be determined by a biopsy of the bites?

My mother is 92 years old approximately 1 month ago she stared getting welts all over her body. he went to the doctor and they said it was bug bites. We brought in a bed bug...

I'm having tibia pain?

I have no symptoms. It hurts when I touch and press into one point of my middle left tibia bone. I don't feel the pain even in high intensity workouts, I train a lot and should...

How long does it take for varicose veins to disappear after ablation?

I will have ablation for varicose veins. How long does it take for varicose veins to disappear after ablation?

How long after radiation do you start to feel better?

I had radiation treatment for prostate cancer 5 days ago. How long after radiation do you start to feel better?

How long does vein ablation take to heal?

I had vein ablation for my varicose veins 5 days ago. How long does vein-ablation take to heal?

How big is the scar after open heart surgery?

I will have open heart surgery. I want to know how big is the scar after open heart surgery?

Growths of spleen and dark spots on kidney and liver?

I had a CT of my heart and the radiologist saw something and kept scanning and found a growth on the spleen and dark spots on kidney and liver.

Left Tibia?

I had a fall in April 2021 that fractured my left hip and I had hip surgery. At time of the fall continuing to present there is pain about 3 inches below the knee cap around the...


I had an MRI for wrist pain and torn ligament. I'm supposed to get an MRI arthrogram to see how bad the ligament is torn. What other procedure can be done to see how bad the...

What can go wrong with radiofrequency ablation?

I have varicose veins and will have radiofrequency ablation. I am afraid. What can go wrong with radiofrequency ablation?

How is CT venography performed?

I will have a CT venography tomorrow. Is it painful? How is CT venography performed?

Are CT scans helpful for diagnosing COVID-19?

I had a bad cough and the doctor thinks I have a COVID infection. He ordered a CT scan. Are CT scans helpful for diagnosing COVID-19?

Right colon question?

What does it mean when a CT scan says the right colon is diffusely contracted and limited for assessment?

Does radiation from a CT scan stay in your body?

My son will have a CT scan. I am afraid. Does radiation from a CT scan stay in your body?

Is radiotherapy for prostate cancer painful?

I am a 52 year old male. I will have radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Is radiotherapy for prostate cancer painful?

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