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What are the things to avoid during pregnancy?

I am a 31 year old pregnant woman. I want to know what are the things to avoid during pregnancy?

How long should you take folic acid before trying to conceive?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to get pregnant and am taking folic acid. How long should you take folic acid before trying to conceive?

How does your body feel when you are pregnant?

I am a 23 year old female. I want to get pregnant and I imagine how your body transforms. How does your body feel when you are pregnant?

How early do you start feeling kicks during pregnancy?

I am currently 3 months pregnant and ready to feel the baby kick. When do you usually feel that?

What are the effects of smoking on a baby in utero?

I am a 25 year old pregnant woman and I am trying my best not to smoke. What are the effects of smoking on a baby in utero?

What are the treatment options for my babies heart disorder?

My baby was born prematurely at 31 weeks and has some heart issues. What are the treatment options for my babies heart disorder?

My baby was born 6 weeks early, what are the risks?

My baby was born at 34 weeks and we are worried if she will have any health problems. What health issues could she develop from being a premature baby?

How much weight gain is normal during pregnancy?

I am a 27-year-old woman who is 5 months pregnant. How much weight gain is normal during pregnancy?

How long does neonatal hepatitis last?

My friend's son was diagnosed with neonatal hepatitis and he's only a month old. How long does this condition usually last?

Is neonatal lupus common?

A cousin of mine was diagnosed with neonatal lupus and she's coping with it the best way she can. She was diagnosed immediately after birth. Is this disease common?

How can I explain a heart malformation surgery consultation to my child?

My daughter has a heart malformation and will undergo surgery. How can I explain a heart malformation surgery to my child beforehand?

When should I suspect my child has congenital heart disease?

My 8-month-old son seems to be having trouble breathing at times and does not always want to eat food. Could this be something related to his heart?

What is the best way to check baby's temperature?

I'm 27 and I'm about to become a mom in a couple of months. I'd like to know what is the best way to check baby's temperature? I'd like to be prepared when it happens.

What is a Quad test?

I am pregnant and our doctor told me to get a quad test. What is a Quad test? What will it detect?

Can a baby survive if born at 6 months?

My pregnancy is considered high-risk and my doctor thinks it best to schedule my C-section as soon as possible because my blood pressure isn't going down. Only thing is I'm only...

What are diseases detected in newborn screening?

My newborn is about to go get screened for any congenital diseases at the end of this week. What are some of the diseases that a newborn screening can find?

How does gestational diabetes affect my baby?

My doctor diagnosed me with recently with gestational diabetes and I'm currently in my second trimester. Will this affect my baby's health?

Do premature babies have developmental delays?

My doctor thinks that I'm going to have my baby prematurely because of my development of gestational diabetes. Do premature babies typically have developmental delays? Both physically...

Can we see if my baby has a congenital disease in the womb?

I'm in middle of my first trimester of pregnancy, and I'm just wondering if it was possible to see if my baby would have a congenital disease while in the womb?

Are premature babies likely to get respiratory distress syndrome?

My doctor believes that I may have a premature baby because my pregnancy is already high-risk. Is my baby likely to get respiratory distress syndrome if born prematurely?

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