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Can apple cider vinegar help me get rid of spider veins?

I have spider veins on my legs, and I want to try to get of them naturally before anything else. Can apple cider vinegar help me get rid of them?

What happens if varicose veins go untreated?

I'm 40 years old, and I have had varicose veins on the back of my calves for at least 2 years. I haven't had any treatment for them whatsoever, mainly because they haven't been...

How dangerous are spider veins?

I have spider veins on both of my thighs. Their appearance doesn't bother me too much, but I'm worried about them having negative effects. Are spider veins dangerous if left...

What is the best natural remedy for varicose veins?

I have varicose veins and want to treat them at home and naturally. I'm not really interested in laser treatment or anything else. Are there ways to treat this at home naturally?...

Is walking good for varicose veins?

I have varicose veins from my pregnancy and I want to get rid of them naturally before surgical or medical interventions. What can I do with them? Is walking good for varicose...

Can you prevent spider veins?

I'm 30 years old and in my second trimester of pregnancy. I know that spider veins are common post-partum. Are there ways to prevent them?

Do I have varicose veins?

I'm 45 years old and have noticed that some of the veins on my legs have become darker than they used to be. Do I have varicose veins?

What exercises can I do to get rid of varicose veins?

I'm 41 years old, and I have varicose veins on my calves. I don't want to have medical treatment for it because they're not causing me to have severe discomfort. Are there any...

What is the best way to remove facial spider veins?

I'm 32, and I noticed that I'm developing spider veins around my nose. Is there any way to get rid of spider veins on your face?

Is laser varicose vein removal dangerous?

I'm 55 years old, and I have varicose veins. I want to get rid of them with laser varicose vein removal, but I'm not sure how safe this procedure is. Is this a dangerous procedure?...

How long does it take to recover from vascular surgery?

I have deep vein thrombosis on the inside of my leg, and I'm going to get an open thrombectomy next week. How long would the recovery from this surgery be?

What causes spider veins on the legs?

I'm 37, and I noticed that I have spider veins on the inside of my legs. What usually causes them?

Do compression socks help varicose veins?

I have varicose veins on both of my legs, and I heard compression socks might be able to help. How well do they work?

Can spider veins go away on their own?

After my pregnancy, I noticed that I had spider veins on the bottom of legs. Will these spider veins go away on its own? What are the treatment options?

Is laser treatment for varicose veins safe?

I have varicose veins on my calves and I would really like to get rid of them. I'm debating on getting laser treatment for them because I heard it works well--but I'm just not...

What is the treatment for deep vein thrombosis?

My mother has been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis, and according to her, it isn't a serious condition at all. But she won't tell me the treatment. What is the usual course...

During winters my veins seem to jut out too much. Why does this happen?

In the winter season I can feel my veins jutting out to much. What could be the reason for this? Is there anything that can be done to treat it?

Can I get rid of spider veins without surgery?

Do spider veins always require surgery? I noticed that I had them on my legs awhile back, and while I'm not in too much pain, I do want to get rid of them. Is there another way...

Where on your body can you get blood drawn from?

My veins are very small in my arm. If i need to get blood work where else on my body can they draw blood from?

Why are some of the veins in my hands sticking out?

I have certain veins in my hands that are evidently jutting out. They also hurt when touched. What could be causing this?

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