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How often should my daughter get her braces tightened?

My daughter recently had braces put in. How often should they be tightened?

Can I have orthodontic advice for class 3 malocclusion?

My daughter is 13 and despite menses for over a year, is still apparently growing in height. She was diagnosed as a class 3 over a year ago by her orthodontist who advised to...

How long does an adult typically have to wear braces?

I am 31 years old and planning to get braces for aligning my teeth. How long does an adult typically have to wear braces once they are placed in?

What are transparent braces?

My daughter needs to have braces to help align her teeth. I've heard of transparent braces for those who feel uncomfortable with metal braces. What are transparent braces? Do...

How long does it take for the teeth to get alligned with braces?

How long does It usually take for the teeth to get aligned with braces? I need to have them, but I'm an adult and I don't want to have braces for a long period of time.

The food gets stuck often in my braces. What is the best way to keep them clean?

I have noticed that the food gets stuck in between my braces very often. What is the best way for me to keep them clean?

The spaces between my teeth is increasing. What could be causing it?

All of a sudden I have been noticing increasing gaps between my teeth. Can you suggest what could be the reason for the same?

What foods should I avoid with braces?

I know the obvious ones, like gum and pretzels, but should I avoid any other foods with my braces?

Is it possible for my braces to become loose?

My braces don't feel as tight as they were before. Is it possible to loosen them? What should I do?

How are crossbites treated?

I have a problem with crossbites, and it's really bothering me. How is this usually treated? And if I don't get it treated, could I experience any complications?

Can my braces ever rust?

Braces are made of steel and I am wondering if they can ever start rusting?

Can flossing causes spaces between my teeth?

Can I get spaces between my teeth due to flossing?

Does bottle feed impact the teeth in a baby?

My baby is 3 months old, and right now, I feed her through a bottle. But I recently read an article about how bottle feeds may impact her teeth in the future. Is this really...

I'm having surgery in a couple of weeks to realign my teeth. How long will I be under general anesthesia and are there side effects?

My badly misaligned teeth are being surgically repaired in a couple of weeks. About how long will I be under general anesthesia and will there be side effects from the anesthesia?...

My daughter's braces are too tight. Is there anything I can do?

My daughter got braces a few weeks ago and they're still feeling a little tight. She's having trouble eating, and she's in quite a bit discomfort. What should we do?

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