12169 results in Archive


Rheumatoid Arthritis: How Chronic Inflammation Affects Metabolism

A cross sectional study was done using data collected by over 500,000 participants. This study was able to determine that there may be a link between certain inflammatory disorders and the emergence of chronic cardiometabolic conditions in the body.


The Effect of Laughter on Multiple Sclerosis

There’s an old cliché: “Laughter is the best medicine.” Researchers studying neurological disorders are discovering that the cliché may not be far from the truth.


Understanding the Fibromyalgia Diagnosis Process

So far, there is only one FDA-approved blood test for fibromyalgia patients to have their disease diagnosed. This makes the disease harder to confirm than most, as doctors can't do an X-ray to confirm any symptoms. View this slideshow to better understand the diagnosis process of fibromyalgia.


Rheumatoid Arthritis Travel Tips

Living with rheumatoid arthritis can make even the simplest daily tasks a challenge.


Innovative Testing Methods for Gluten in Foods for Celiac Disease Patients

A small startup in Virginia is the pioneer of on-the-go gluten testing for those who have celiac disease. Keep reading to learn more.


Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pregnancy: What to Consider

For women that are young and healthy, pregnancy can still be very intimidating. Add rheumatoid arthritis to the picture, and the whole idea can get daunting or even terrifying at times.


The Promising Future of Gene Therapy and Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma affects over 700,000 people in America alone. Though current treatments are moderately effective, especially for aggressive forms of the disease, more can be done to help people impacted by NHL.


Design Thinking in Nursing

Design in medicine is a way for medicine to empathize with its patients and their families. Keep reading to learn more about design thinking for nurses and doctors.


All About World Lymphoma Awareness Day

Lymphoma is a disease that has a horrible effect on patients, but it sometimes goes undiscussed in terms of cancers. World Lymphoma Awareness Day, September 15th, 2017, is seeking to change that.


9-Year Study Determines Genes Associated with Lupus

Scientists are now closer than ever to a breakthrough in researching the cause behind lupus which in turn, could lead to more investigation into faster, more focused and accurate methods of diagnosing this autoimmune disease. Keep reading to learn more.


Developments in New Lupus Immunotherapy

A recent study shows promise in the area of immunotherapy for patients who suffer from SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). View this slideshow to learn more.


Differences Between the Forms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that approximately twenty-two million Americans suffer from. View this slideshow to learn about the different forms of sleep apnea.


Illinois Dental Practice Offers Sleep Apnea Treatment

While there are a few common sleep apnea treatments known such as the CPAP, a lesser known treatment may be offered at a dentist's office. Keep reading to learn about the sleep apnea treatment that one dentist's office is offering in Illinois.


Cystic Fibrosis Treatment Can Be Overwhelming: Here's How to Prepare

Everyone has different preferences in style. Strange as it may seem, that fact is no different for doctors.


Subtle Changes in Speech Can Signify Early Dementia, Study Says

Filler words, rambling, repetition, and vague word choices could signal a future diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, according to new research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association in July 2017.


Alzheimer's: How to Care for Someone Who Is Hallucinating

The brain is complex, hardworking, and the control center of everything from sense of smell to touch. When the brain becomes addled with Alzheimer’s disease, the tricks come faster and harder with hallucinations and delusions.


How Sleep Apnea Affects the Body

Sleep apnea is a condition that, when left untreated, can affect many parts of the body. View this slideshow to learn how sleep apnea affects the body.


New Drug for Parkinson's Disease Approved by FDA

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently passed a new drug called amantadine extended release capsules for the treatment of dyskinesia in those who have Parkinson’s disease and are also on medication therapy. Keep reading to learn more.


Ovarian Cancer Treatment Leads Two Women to Friendship

It can be hard to cope with a serious diagnosis such as cancer. Along with physical pain comes emotional and psychological turmoil as well. Where can cancer patients find hope and support for each other and themselves?


Potential New Target Found for Ovarian Cancer Treatment

The results of the study from the Cleveland Clinic won’t provide the medical community with any new drugs, but the insights that are being gained could still prove invaluable.