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How to Use Acupuncture to Treat IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome is also referred to as mucous colitis or spastic colon. Acupuncture is a form of treatment that can relieve IBS digestive symptoms. Read this article to know more about how acupuncture can help in treating IBS.


How to Prepare for Acupuncture

There are no special or specific preparations before undergoing an acupuncture treatment. However, if you are thinking about having an acupuncture, there are some things you might want to consider first before going through it.


The Risks of Acupuncture

The risks associated with acupuncture are minimal if you have a competent, qualified acupuncture practitioner. However, there are possible complications and side effects that may arise. Read this article to know more about it.


Reasons Why You Need Acupuncture

If you haven’t tried acupuncture and you’re wondering whether it’s effective, there are several supportive reasons why you should give it a try. Read this article to learn more.


Acupuncture: Everything you Need to Know

Acupuncture is a form of holistic treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are gently inserted in parts of the body for preventive or therapeutic purposes.


The Importance of Circumcision

Circumcision is a simple procedure that has been practiced by many countries and cultures. Its health benefits outweigh the risks, but it remains a decision the family must make, as cultural and religious beliefs play a major role in the procedure.


Can Males Get Circumcised At Any Age?

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin on a male’s penis and can be undergone at any age, although the teenage years are often considered the best time for it. The decision as to when a person should get circumcised is an individual one, but several factors may be considered: cultural or social norms, religious beliefs, the health of the person to be circumcised, and the benefits and risks of circumcision.


Are There Risks To A Circumcision?

Are There Risks To A Circumcision? This is a question to which every man or woman willing to undergo circumcision must have an answer. Learn more


What Should You Expect After a Circumcision?

After a circumcision, it is normal to expect some changes in the look and feeling of either the penis or other organs of the body. Learn more!


What Are The Side Effects Of Circumcision?

Learn more about the potential side effects and risks of circumcision in this article.


Is It Healthy To Be Circumcised?

Circumcision is a quick and simple surgical procedure that is done to remove the foreskin of the male penis. It is done at different ages, although in most cases it is done during adolescence. The procedure has a few risks such as bleeding. However, it is accompanied by a number of health benefits for males. Learn more!


Everything You Need To Know About Circumcision

What is circumcision? This is a question everyone should be able to answer. Here is everything you need to know about circumcision.


What Is Female Circumcision?

What Is female circumcision? This is a question to which everyone should know the answer. Learn more!


What Is The Point of a Circumcision?

Some consider circumcision a ritual, others a rite of passage while still others do it for health purposes. In this article, learn the various reasons for a circumcision.


Osteoporosis: Everything You Need to Know

Osteoporosis can be a result of multiple deficiencies, and affects more than just the bones. Muscle function is inhibited, and bones are weakened making the individual more susceptible to bone fractures.


5 Healthcare Professionals You Should Contact If Your Child Has Autism

Read this article to learn more about who you should be contacting if your child has been diagnosed with autism and you want to learn more.


Is My Child More Likely to Develop Autism if a Blood Relative Has Autism?

Statistics show that 1 in every 166 people have autism. Parents who have a child with autism run only a 2-6% risk of their next child being autistic. However, if a single gene was the reason behind the autism, the possibility of their having another child with autism can be 25-50%. Read this article to learn more about the genetic possibilities of autism occurrence and recurrence in families.


How does Pregnancy affect Acid Reflux?

High levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy weaken the esophageal sphincter, causing acid re-flux, or GERD. Various lifestyle changes and doctor recommended antacids can help alleviate symptoms, and ease your heartburn.


Tips for Optimal Cardiovascular Health

Exercising is important for more than just looking good. Benefits range from improved cardiovascular function, protection against conditions or diseases, and even improves mood and energy levels.


What You Need to Know About Celiac

An autoimmune disease carried for life, Celiac Disease can lead to a number of health complications, however it is manageable. The disease enables hypersensitivity to gluten in the small intestines, leading to difficulties with digestion.