Jennifer Aniston- Micro Current Facials

Jennifer swears by Micro current facials which help keep her youthful glow while promoting the production of collagen and elastin.  She says "It’s like a little workout for your face".  Micro current facials work by sending electrical currents- targeting specific muscles and triggering chemical reactions at a cellular level.  Micro current facials are an all natural chemical free anti-aging treatment that can be done within an hour. This is a non-invasive inexpensive way to promote healing, tightening, and cell growth in the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers of the skin. 

Here are the benefits of a micocurrent facial:

  • Increase circulation while retraining the muscles in your face
  • All-natural treatment for people who want to avoid toxins and other injectables
  • Stimulates your Adenosine triphosphate which gives the look of radiance and shine
  • You can see immediate results after one treatment
  • Can be done at home with various devices
  • Affordable: Most treatments can be done for under $200