3. Gwyneth Paltrow

Academy Award-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow tends to be a fan of all things natural and organic. Yet, she also uses cosmetic procedures like lasers to maintain her youthful glow. Laser resurfacing treatment smooths out wrinkles and softens the appearance of facial irregularities such as scars and blemishes. Precise laser bursts are used to remove specific layers of skin, which is why the procedure is sometimes referred to as a laser peel.

Paltrow also saw a dermatologist for Thermage, a non-invasive, anti-aging treatment that uses radiofrequency to boost collagen production and smooth out imperfections. Paltrow stated that although the procedure was painful, she wouldn’t hesitate to do it again, because she felt as though it took about five years off her appearance.

She’s tried a variety of cosmetic procedures, but she’s never gone under the knife—at least not yet. The only procedure she didn’t like was Botox, mainly because she thought it made her look “crazy.” Overall, though, she tends to be open-minded about trying various anti-aging techniques, and is refreshingly candid about discussing her beauty regimen.

Photo source: Gwyneth Paltrow by 227 YouTube Chili