10. Brad Pitt

After his high-profile divorce from actress Angelina Jolie, actor Brad Pitt admitted he couldn’t recall a single day since college when he didn’t have a drink or smoke marijuana. For him, using drugs and alcohol was a way to avoid having to face his emotions. Jolie said the reason she filed for divorce was because she was worried Pitt’s out-of-control drinking posed a danger to their children. Pitt claimed to quit using marijuana and alcohol after the divorce and acknowledged that he has always struggled with the ability to express his emotions to other people. He regrets the fact that his drinking problem ruined his marriage and broke his family apart.

He claims he quit drinking cold turkey after deciding he no longer wanted to live a life ruled by alcohol. Now, he says he sticks to seltzer and cranberry juice, instead. He’s still coping with the emotional aftermath of his divorce, but he’s happy that alcohol is no longer a part of his life. He is also seeing a therapist to learn how to better deal with and express his emotions. He hopes the changes he’s made to better himself will make him a more positive role model for his children.

Photo source: Eva Rinaldi