Diet and Nutrition

Does Nutrition Have Therapeutic Possibilities for Fibromyalgia Patients?

Drop those sugary, processed foods, and make room for healthy fats.

Stay away from common convenience foods laced with caffeine, sodas, and chocolate. Also, watch the fried and processed foods. Avoid those foods that have added preservatives and eat red meats sparingly.

Healthy fats are great for those with fibromyalgia. Find healthy fats in olive and canola oils, macadamia nuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds, and cashews.

While research hasn’t shown that there are specific foods that help fibromyalgia, it is still an excellent idea to take a good look at what you eat and maybe how it impacts the way you feel. If you are confused about what makes you feel good, keep a food diary.

"I have some patients keep a food journal for two weeks," says James McKoy, MD, chief of pain medicine, director of complementary medicine, and staff rheumatologist at Kaiser Permanente in Honolulu. "They write down the foods they ate each day and whether they had symptoms like headaches, indigestion, or fatigue. It can be very helpful, because sometimes we see, for instance, that they have more fatigue when they eat a particular food."

Dr. McKoy said it perfectly.