Diet and Nutrition

Is the Weight Watchers Plan Effective?

Is the Weight Watchers Plan Effective?

The Weight Watchers diet plan is a very popular weight loss program based on eating nutritious food for losing weight. Weight Watchers is an international organization that has been in existence for more than 40 years, and has several success stories to its credit. One of the attractive features of this program is the fact that rather than focusing on a strict diet, it helps to choose and eat wisely for a healthy life. Many studies show that people who follow a Weight Watchers plan lose an average of 13 pounds within a year.

This popular program allows eating a variety of healthy foods. As in many other successful diets, the Weight Watchers program encourages having foods rich in protein and fiber. This helps the dieter to reduce the intake of foods containing high fat content and simple carbohydrates. In this program each food is assigned a point called PointsPlus Value. Eating deducts these points from your budget, while exercise adds points. In a week a dieter will be allotted extra points that may be used for eating ones favorite once in a while.

Points are assigned to a food based on the nutrients present, like proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat. The points also depend on how filling or rich the food is. Foods that contain more protein and fiber have low points so that people can have more of these foods without guilt. Higher points are assigned to those foods containing more simple carbohydrates and fats. Each individual is given a daily target of points based on height, weight, and age. The Weight Watchers program insists on being within the daily target range.

This weight loss program is based on healthy principles, including healthy weight loss. The program focuses on gradual loss of weight in the order of two pounds per week. This is in lieu with the weight loss recommended by professional associations. According to this weight loss program, no one should lose more than 10% of the body weight. The program insists on people making healthy choices based on scientific recommendations. Moreover, the program is very easy and convenient to follow and sustain with the PointPlus value system. It can be followed by different people, like vegetarians, frequent travelers, and even those with medical conditions. The Weight Watchers program also caters to the unique needs of men and women.