Store-bought Fruit Juice and Smoothies: The added sugars may increase blood sugar.

Fruit juices and smoothies may sound healthy because of the keyword fruit. However, it is found out that these drinks contain a large amount of added sugar that can ignite the rise of sugar level in the body and may worsen your diabetes. It is okay to have added sugar sometimes but of course, in a lesser amount. The Diabetes UK has recommended the maximum daily intake of added sugar. About 19g, which is equal to 5 cubes or 5 tsp of sugar, is recommended for children with ages 4 to 7. For children with ages 7 to 10, 24g or 6 cubes of sugar is best for their age. Lastly, 30g or 7 cubes of sugar is recommended for children over 11 years old, as well as for adults.

Try this instead: Make your own fruit juice and eat fresh fruits

You may opt to make your own fruit juice or smoothies so that you can adjust the sugar content. You may also just have a bite of fresh fruits because it has naturally-occurring fructose that (obviously) does not contain any added sugars.