Diet and Nutrition

Five Grains that are Healthy and Safe for Celiac Disease Patients

Five Grains that are Healthy and Safe for Celiac Disease Patients

Five Grains that are Healthy and Safe for Celiac Disease Patients

For people suffering with celiac disease, they have many diet restrictions since they cannot consume anything with gluten, which is a protein present in wheat, rye, and barley. Therefore, looking for gluten-free foods can be a bit burdensome. A list of five grains that are not only safe for celiac disease patients but also healthy for people, in general. 

These grains are not only safe for celiac patients but also healthy:

1. Beans- one of the most common variation of pulses is edible beans. They belong to the legume family. Since beans are naturally safe from gluten hence for people with celiac disease this is ideal and safe. However in farms cross contamination may happen. Usually in rotation, beans and other grains are grown by farmers. They use the same planting and harvesting methods. For doing these they use the same equipment. Every bad should be labelled or every can of bean should clearly state that the can is gluten free. This will help avoid cross contamination.

Health benefits of beans

  • Low cholesterol- they lower cholesterol and triglyceride level since they contains soluble fibres
  • Weight reduction- for those who want to lose weight, less fat with no cholesterol is good. Without taking in many calories it gives the feeling of fullness.
  • For diabetics- the complex carbohydrates and proteins cause beans to be digested slowly. Thus the sugar level is controlled.
  • Risk for cancer is reduced- long term diseases such as cancer can be avoided by eating three cups of beans in a week since they contains lots of antioxidants and fiber.

2. Quinoa- according to studies quinoa can not only be tolerated by celiac people but also it improves health. It is a perfect alternative to wheat and is a rich source of protein.

Health benefits are:

  • Complete amino acids- it comprises of 8 amino acids
  • Rich if fiber- every cup can give a fifth of fiber that can be supplied by quinoa.
  • High in iron-15 percent of iron can be obtained by one cup of quinoa. Iron is important for muscles and brain.
  • High in lysine- lysine makes people feels more relaxed and calm since it has serotonin levels. Also it makes the immune system strong and adds muscles to the body.

3. Millet- it is a grass and can be used in different way such as making porridge, bread, drinks and flatbread. It is naturally gluten free.

Health benefits are:

  • For heart- it reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart related disease is also reduced since it contains magnesium and potassium. Also it can lower blood cholesterol.
  • Prevents diabetes- the risk of type 2 diabetes is lowered by high magnesium content.
  • Digestion problems-it can help prevent cramping, bloating and constipation since it has lot of fiber.
  • Detoxifies body- since they neutralize free radicals and remove toxins hence they are good in preventing cancer.

4. Chia- it is a good source of vitamin B and minerals such as iron and calcium.  They do not contain gluten and in the body they can increase the fiber content.

Health benefits are:

  • Rich in fiber- in two tablespoon of chia seeds there are 10g of fiber. From this serving one third of daily amount can be obtained.
  • Antioxidants- they are found in chia seeds and they help in fighting the cells that cause cancer.
  • Control in appetite- it gives a feeling of satiety. Thus between meals food cravings can be prevented.
  • Low bad cholesterol- according to studies chia seeds increase good cholesterol. They also lower and prevent bad cholesterol levels.

5. Buckwheat Groats- they do not have gluten. It is neither wheat nor grain. For ingredients such as rice, pasta and flour they are a great substitute.

Health benefits are:

  • Protects from cardio vascular disease- it prevents and treats hypercholesterolemia and hypertension.
  • Formation of varicose veins- the formation of varicose veins is prevented by the rich amount of rutin present in it.
  • Healthy skin and strong hair- it has thiamine, niacin, riboflavin. Pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folate that gives healthy skin and strong hair. Also it can keep away wrinkles and play an important role in normal hair growth and keratin production because of its rich protein content.