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OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)

<p>Dr. Pitman is an obstetrician/gynecologist practicing in Livingston, NJ as part of Summit Medical Group. She has been in practice for over 30 years, the early years with her father, Dr. Edward Roth. Dr. Pitman believes that everything we go through in life has the potential to affect our health. This belief informs her practice style and allows for a personalized doctor-patient relationship.</p>
39 years Experience
  • Livingston, New Jersey
  • Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
  • Accepting new patients

Why do babies kick in the womb at night?

Babies move throughout the day but we perceive more movement when we are at rest, like when we are trying to sleep. It is common not to appreciate movement when we are busy but READ MORE
Babies move throughout the day but we perceive more movement when we are at rest, like when we are trying to sleep. It is common not to appreciate movement when we are busy but stop being active and suddenly the baby seems to wake up.

How much water should a pregnant woman drink in her second trimester?

I recommend aiming for a gallon of water daily while pregnant. It helps prevent contractions, urinary tract infections, headaches, muscle cramps, nausea, lightheadedness, etc. READ MORE
I recommend aiming for a gallon of water daily while pregnant. It helps prevent contractions, urinary tract infections, headaches, muscle cramps, nausea, lightheadedness, etc. I don't really expect you to drink quite that much but between 80-100 ounces is a good goal. That's about 5-6 bottle per day.

How many days after your period do you ovulate?

Ovulation occurs 14 days before your period so knowing how long your cycle is can help predict. For a 28 day cycle it's day 14-15. For a 31 day cycle it's day 17-18. Normal cycle READ MORE
Ovulation occurs 14 days before your period so knowing how long your cycle is can help predict. For a 28 day cycle it's day 14-15. For a 31 day cycle it's day 17-18. Normal cycle length is from 21-35 days and can vary from person to person. Some women have a clear mucous discharge just before ovulation which is very helpful.

Can I walk after a c-section?

You can indeed walk after a cesarean section. It is helpful to walk to keep your bowels moving and keep your lungs fully expanded. You must wait until the anesthesia has worn off READ MORE
You can indeed walk after a cesarean section. It is helpful to walk to keep your bowels moving and keep your lungs fully expanded. You must wait until the anesthesia has worn off and it’s important to get up and down carefully.

When should a pregnant woman get a flu shot?

The appropriate flu vaccine for a pregnant woman should be preservative-free. It can be administered any time during the pregnancy. It takes about 2 weeks to become effective so READ MORE
The appropriate flu vaccine for a pregnant woman should be preservative-free. It can be administered any time during the pregnancy. It takes about 2 weeks to become effective so don't wait!

Will I have trouble walking after a C-section?

There will be discomfort after your C-section as to be expected after any major surgery. It can be difficult to change position and move around but it is important to do so. Your READ MORE
There will be discomfort after your C-section as to be expected after any major surgery. It can be difficult to change position and move around but it is important to do so. Your attention is likely to be focused on your newborn which will diminish your awareness of your own discomfort. Walking should be manageable but I’m not expecting you to walk far or for long periods of time initially. You must allow your body to heal and that requires a lot of your energy. Let people help you. Be a supervisor. And let things go. You’ll have your chance to get things back the way you want them when you’re stronger. Don’t be too scared. Most women do very well after a C-section, just be patient. And good luck!