Dr. Robert Block, DDS, MS
Dr. Robert Block is an endodonist practicing in Nashville, TN. Dr. Block is a specialist dentist, focusing on tooth pain, root canals and other issues related to the interior part of the tooth. Endodonists can diagnose problems and perform procedures to fix them. Treatment from an endodonist can often save a diseased tooth. Root canal treatment is one of the most common procedures performed by an endodonist.
Dr. Robert Block, DDS, MS
- Nashville, TN
- Accepting new patients
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Can I take painkillers after a root canal?
Yes. Tylenol and ibuprofen together q4 to 7 hrs are the best
What are the signs of a failed root canal?
Usually, tooth may exhibit persistent, pain, tenderness to bite, selling. . A sinus tract( drainage on the gum in form of a pimple like opening that drains) radiograph may show READ MORE
Usually, tooth may exhibit persistent, pain, tenderness to bite, selling. . A sinus tract( drainage on the gum in form of a pimple like opening that drains) radiograph may show lack of bone healing and inflammation. Pains not he present.
Can I use a Waterpik after a root canal?
After tooth is restored and gums are healed
What can I eat after a root canal procedure?
Anything as long as you dont chew on the root canal tooth until after it is restored properly.
Can I get a root canal without anesthesia?
Yes but not recommended
Do I need antibiotics after a root canal?
Not the usual protocol unless you have swelling
Is a root canal a serious procedure?
No. Its routine dental procedure when performed by ancebdodontist
How many days after root canal can I smoke?
Smoking effects the gum tissue around the treated tooth.
Can a loose tooth be saved with a root canal?
Depends on the periodontal status
What drinks can I take after a root canal?
No restriction
Can a root canal tooth still hurt?
Yes.depending on the particular situation
Is a root canal serious?
Its a routine dental procedure
Can I eat after a root canal procedure?
Not in the root canal treated tooth
Can a root canal save my tooth?
If the tooth can be restored and its periodontal condition is sound
Is front tooth implant surgery painful?
Do not do implants