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Dr. Jose R. Foradada III, MD


Dr. Jose Foradada III practices Pediatric Neurology and Adult Neurology in Tampa, FL. Dr. Foradada III studies, evaluates, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect the nervous system. Neurologists  are trained to fully understand and treat such conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, neuromuscular disorders and neuropsychiatric disorders. Dr. Foradada specializes in children and young adults but will continue to see patients that their childhood disorders carries over into adulthood; Thus providing continuation of care.
42 years Experience
Dr. Jose R. Foradada III, MD
  • Tampa, FL
  • Universidad Central del Este (UCE) Facultad de Medicina
  • Accepting new patients

What type of anesthesia is used for hand nerve surgery?

It depends. If it's not a major surgery, sometimes local anesthesia with a conscious sedation cocktail will do. If it entails major repairs, then general anesthesia is required. READ MORE
It depends. If it's not a major surgery, sometimes local anesthesia with a conscious sedation cocktail will do. If it entails major repairs, then general anesthesia is required. Discuss this with your doctor(s). 

Do people with epilepsy need to eat more than most people?

No. The only dietary benefits associated with epilepsy are diets high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates (modified Atkins or modified Ketogenic diets) have been reported READ MORE
No. The only dietary benefits associated with epilepsy are diets high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates (modified Atkins or modified Ketogenic diets) have been reported to diminish seizure frequency. 

Can you regain use of your arm after stroke?

Depending on the extent of the stroke, there may be partial to nearly full recovery when appropriate rehabilitation therapy is instituted. Taking into account that the longer it READ MORE
Depending on the extent of the stroke, there may be partial to nearly full recovery when appropriate rehabilitation therapy is instituted. Taking into account that the longer it takes to present some regaining of function, the less likely it is to produce significant recovery.

Can nerve damage cause headaches?

It can. Due to nerve roots of the cervical spine being pinched, it can cause headaches to the back and posterior lateral aspects of the head. Commonly known as Cervical Neuralgia. READ MORE
It can. Due to nerve roots of the cervical spine being pinched, it can cause headaches to the back and posterior lateral aspects of the head. Commonly known as Cervical Neuralgia.

What does it mean when your back tingles?

If it's just in one area or spot, it may be due to nerve involvement. I cannot comment on the whole back tingling without more specifics.

Does nerve tingling go away on its own?

It can if it's not permanently damaged. If after 6 months it hasn't gone away, there's likely permanent damage and tingling may persist.

Is tingling a sign of nerve damage?

Tingling can be a sign of nerve damage, but can also be associated with blood circulation problems. Talk to your Neurologist and give him/her a detailed history of where, when, READ MORE
Tingling can be a sign of nerve damage, but can also be associated with blood circulation problems. Talk to your Neurologist and give him/her a detailed history of where, when, how, and duration so they can do a detailed specific diagnostic workup and treatment plan.

Are nerves damaged in children missing chromosomes?

Although that is one of many possible problems in chromosomal abnormalities, it is not always or most of the time the case. There are thousands of chromosomal abnormalities and READ MORE
Although that is one of many possible problems in chromosomal abnormalities, it is not always or most of the time the case. There are thousands of chromosomal abnormalities and multiple of thousands associated problems. The best thing is to have your doctor refer you to a geneticist to discuss the specific chromosomal anomaly and give you the known to date associated conditions. In this matter, you can provide the best treatment by anticipated monitoring. 

What are the symptoms of nerve damage in the wrist?

You can experience pain, numbness (tingling), and weakness on the hand and fingers, depending on the extent of the damage and nerve(s) involved. The most commonly known damage READ MORE
You can experience pain, numbness (tingling), and weakness on the hand and fingers, depending on the extent of the damage and nerve(s) involved. The most commonly known damage is Carpal Tunnel syndrome. In some cases, the injury can manifest with similar symptoms above the wrist up to the elbow. 

How long does it take for nerve damage to heal in your hand?

Nerve damage can take up to 6 months or longer to heal. There is a potential for incomplete repair depending on extent and severity of the damage. Taking vitamin B6 may accentuate READ MORE
Nerve damage can take up to 6 months or longer to heal. There is a potential for incomplete repair depending on extent and severity of the damage. Taking vitamin B6 may accentuate recovery, along with physical therapy, if appropriate. 

How do you test for nerve damage?

You test initially with a physical examination of sensory and motor functions. Then you proceed to do the most commonly performed diagnostic testing done when assessing nerve damage. READ MORE
You test initially with a physical examination of sensory and motor functions. Then you proceed to do the most commonly performed diagnostic testing done when assessing nerve damage. This is known as nerve conduction velocity (study). This is to see if the nerve conduction is slowed or absent thus indicating nerve damage. You can also test with Electromyography (EMG), which assesses in part the control that the nerve may have on the muscle.
I hope this answers your question. 

Dr. F. 

How long does nerve damage in finger take to heal?

It depends. If the nerve was damaged severely (cut through or mashed up pretty badly) you might have permanent nerve damage. If it was mildly to moderately damaged, there's a good READ MORE
It depends. If the nerve was damaged severely (cut through or mashed up pretty badly) you might have permanent nerve damage. If it was mildly to moderately damaged, there's a good chance of repair and regeneration. This may take up to 6 months or longer. 

Dr. F.

Lesion on MRI brain scan, 11 weeks pregant

The picture on the MRI is limited and difficult to clearly evaluate. From the looks of it, it is difficult to tell whether  there's a tumor or inflammation, demyelination. One READ MORE
The picture on the MRI is limited and difficult to clearly evaluate. From the looks of it, it is difficult to tell whether  there's a tumor or inflammation, demyelination. One thing for certain is that it needs to be further evaluated with a comprehensive history and physical and complimented with laboratory testing. All this should be done now and not wait 2 months. (All this can be done with relatively minimal to no risk to the pregnancy). Sorry that I cannot offer more advise with the limited information. I do recommend not waiting 2 months.

Best wishes,

Dr. Foradada

My stenosis is crippling my legs; is laminectomy the solution?

If you have been through that procedure already and found little relief, you might need spinal decompression. Fusion may not relieve the compression of nerve roots whereas decompression READ MORE
If you have been through that procedure already and found little relief, you might need spinal decompression. Fusion may not relieve the compression of nerve roots whereas decompression will do. I suggest you see a spine surgeon that specializes in such. Orthopedic or neurosurgeon. Today's technological advances allow for minimal invasive surgery with shortened hospitalization and great success. Make sure the surgeon has a lot of experience in such a procedure.

Is walking good for neuropathy?

Walking is great exercise for most conditions including neuropathy. It will increase blood flow to the affected nerves. However keep in mind that these nerves are frail and have READ MORE
Walking is great exercise for most conditions including neuropathy. It will increase blood flow to the affected nerves. However keep in mind that these nerves are frail and have diminished capability of working normally . Therefore prudence should guide the ammount of walking to be done. As soon as you feel distressing pain and or weakness you should stop and rest or call it a day and try again the following day. Gradual build up is the idea. Proper nutrition and maintenance stability on any and all underlying medical condition(s) is crucial.

How can I make my nerves strong?

Your neves can be made "strong " healthier by a combination of proper nutrition ( well balanced diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, adequate vitamin intake. Particularly B complex READ MORE
Your neves can be made "strong " healthier by a combination of proper nutrition ( well balanced diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, adequate vitamin intake. Particularly B complex but the whole spectrum is important and by exercising therefore maintaining adequate blood flow ).