Dr. Kirby J. Plessala, M.D.
OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)
Dr. Kirby Plessala is an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Mobile, AL. Dr. Plessala specializes in women's health. He provides routine/annual GYN care as well GYN problem focused care.
Dr. Plessala has a special interest in promoting natural fertility as well as providing assessment and non-invasive treatments for those patients having trouble conceiving successfully. This also includes patients who have suffered from miscarriage and pregnancy loss. Dr. Plessala also provides care for patients of all ages with hormonal problems, including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and peri-/postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT). He focuses on more natural and bio-identical therapies for these conditions.
Dr. Plessala has a special interest in promoting natural fertility as well as providing assessment and non-invasive treatments for those patients having trouble conceiving successfully. This also includes patients who have suffered from miscarriage and pregnancy loss. Dr. Plessala also provides care for patients of all ages with hormonal problems, including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and peri-/postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT). He focuses on more natural and bio-identical therapies for these conditions.
34 years
Dr. Kirby James Plessala, M.D.
- Mobile, AL
- La State Univ Sch of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La
- Accepting new patients
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Can a pap smear w swab help indicate what these are on my labia majora?
A GYN exam and PAP smear would definitely be the best thing to do to try to get you an answer and a solution.
The simple answer is yes. Any type of birth control can have a failure.
Fertility- small uterus
You should not worry about the uterus being 5.5cm. That is appropriate for someone who has not been pregnant.
Late period
You should make an appointment with your family doctor to evaluate.
Effect after morning after pill
It is not uncommon to see bleeding in this regard as you raise and drop hormone levels. However, if the bleeding does not resolve you should see you GYN doctor.
The first thing to do would be to see your GYN doctor and get a vaginal culture.
Left a tampon for 15 hours
I would recommend that you not use a tampon for the rest of this period. You can also call your Gyn to get seen today.
Positive pregnancy test and periods
Yes. If your test is still positive then you can be pregnant. You should see your OB doctor as soon as possible to get evaluated.
Phantom period?
I would suggest that you start seeing a GYN doctor to evaluate and treat these problems.
That seems to be a little bit much. I would recommend you see your GYN doctor for an evaluation.
Unfortunately, there is no way to tell who fathered the pregnancy without doing DNA as the encounters were so close together.
Drank advil when pregnant
You dont have to be worried about the one dose of headache medication. You should ask your doc about why the thyroid medication was stopped.
Yes, that is common. You should continue your pills and stay on schedule.
What it is?
This could be from several things but the most common would be a bacterial or yeast infection.
Yes. Post intercourse bleeding is common. Just stay on your pills as scheduled.
What is causing my pain?
This is difficult to say because it could be from different things. It could be muscular or skeletal from the rib cage. It could be the breast itself. Of particular concern is READ MORE
This is difficult to say because it could be from different things. It could be muscular or skeletal from the rib cage. It could be the breast itself. Of particular concern is that since it is on the left it could be cardiac pain. The best thing to do would be to see your doctor about this.
Numbness After C-Section
Unfortunately it can be normal for this to still be present. It sounds like you may have had some nerve damage.
Female health
This can be common with birth control pills as they can increase the mucous producing cells of the cervix. You can try to switch to a different pill and that may keep your period READ MORE
This can be common with birth control pills as they can increase the mucous producing cells of the cervix. You can try to switch to a different pill and that may keep your period more regular.
Uti and kidney infection
Yes, any stressors on your body can affect your hormones and thus your period.
Why am I having Vaginal Bleeding for over a month not on period
There are many different reasons for this type of bleeding pattern. It is best for you to see a GYN doctor for an evaluation.