Functional Fitness

Dr. Vishal Krishna Verma Chiropractor Ashburn, VA

Dr. Vishal Verma is a Chiropractor practicing in Ashburn, VA and Fairfax, VA. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic issues including the spine and extremities. His goal is to use chiropractic and therapeutic techniques together to achieve fast results and prevent injuries with focused rehabilitation. more

Exercise is something we should all do to promote health and wellness as well as keep our bodies strong and resilient over the years. We all understand the importance of exercise in our daily lives and we try to fit it in as much as possible. Whether you are working out or engaged in an activity, there is nothing but positive associated with exercise in general.

But what if we are working out “too much” or improperly? This seems to be counter-intuitive to what I just said in the first paragraph but it is not. There is a saying we use in our office which is “know your body”. This is a simple statement that doesn’t get the time of the day as it should. When you know your body, you know when you have gone too far or if you are in a position that your body is not ready for yet. But how do you get there?

Well, the best way there is through experience with training and exercise. Most seasoned weight lifters and athletes know their bodies’ limitations and are able to push through their limits through proper controlled modifications and…time. Allowing your body the time to discover the difference between normal discomfort and pain is the key. Well, what if you’re not an athlete?

I always preach the same thing for every patient. Forget no pain, no gain. This is a concept that is based more on “bro-science” and less on actual fact. The entire point of no pain, no gain was motivational to push the limits of the athlete or competitor. This meant to fight through the soreness or the “burn” of the workout. Not actually to push through real pain that is an indicator of potential injury about to occur or has occurred. You never push through actual pain.

For the rest of us who are not looking to get on stage to pose our bodies or participate in any athletic competition, know your body is the best mantra. Challenge the body through functional exercises that help you through your typical day or offset your day. In other words, if you sit all day at a desk, maybe consider exercises like squatting, lunging, planks, pushups, pull-ups that exercise the postural muscles against sitting posture. Focusing on bodybuilder workouts set you up for a bodybuilding competition. Working out functionally sets you up for function in your normal day to avoid injury.

Functional fitness starts with knowing your body. Discover your own unique way of staying fit and watch as your body improves.