
Dr. Richard Dale Reynolds Plastic Surgeon El Paso, TX

Dr. Richard Reynolds is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in El Paso, TX. Dr. Reynolds specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning properly;... more

Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

The answer is almost anyone who has excess abdominal skin, including most women who have been pregnant and many men or women who have lost a significant amount of weight. After childbirth, most women say that her body never returns to its pre-pregnancy condition. Even if you eat well and exercise and get back to your pre-pregnancy weight, the abdominal skin gets stretched and stretch marks usually develop. After delivery, the skin can contract to an extent but not entirely leaving you with excess skin. The abdominal muscle is also stretched during pregnancy and often leaves women with a more rounded abdominal shape than before pregnancy. Despite diet and exercise, many women also experience fat deposits in their abdomen that wasn't a noticeable problem before pregnancy.

Most of these issues can happen with weight loss outside of pregnancy. During the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure, we remove all of the excess skin and stretch marks and fat between the belly button and the pubic area and we lift up the skin in the upper abdomen. We then tighten the abdominal muscle all the way from the chest to the pubic bone. Then tighten the remaining skin and reattach the belly button. The procedure is done as an outpatient and only takes a couple of hours. The incision is low so it's hidden under your bikini or underwear and at one year is often hard to see.

Most patients take 1-2 weeks off for recovery if they work outside the home. There are no restrictions whatsoever after 6 weeks. Liposuction of the lower back (flanks/hips) is often done in conjunction to improve your waistline on the sides and the back as well. Regardless of what bothers you after childbirth or weight loss a tummy tuck will improve your confidence and restore your shape. Childbirth and weight loss can do a number on your body and confidence but a tummy tuck can reverse many of those effects and restore your shape and confidence.

Make sure your plastic surgeon is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (www.plasticsurgery.org) and a member of the American Board of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (www.surgery.org).

If you have any questions you can email me at drdalereynolds@yahoo.com or contact me through the website www.elpasocosmeticsurgeon.com.